A selection of 'Christian music' articles

Spotlight. Superb Performances - Amber Lin and Jeffrey Neil investigate Christine Moore Vassallo's journey through Spanish song. 'Christine Moore Vassallo and her ensemble were a delight to experience.'

Spotlight. Fling Wide the Gates - Keith Bramich listens to Delphian Records' new recording of John Stainer's 'The Crucifixion'. '... excellent and committed performance ...'

Echoes of Oblivion by Robert McCarney - Rough winds do shake

Echoes of Oblivion by Robert McCarney - The home country grown strange

Ensemble. An Italian Creation - Giuseppe Pennisi listens to Giuseppe Carpani's Italian language version of Haydn's oratorio

A Thriller about a Score - Giuseppe Pennisi explores a new critical edition of Palestrina's 'Missa Papae Marcelli'

CD Spotlight. Masterly Setting - Gerald Fenech listens to choral music by Kenneth Leighton. 'Performances are of a consistently high level throughout and blessed with a beautifully recorded sound.'

CD Spotlight. Uplifting and Inspired - Dvořák's 'Saint Ludmila' impresses Gerald Fenech. 'A piece for the ages, passionately performed and recorded.'

CD Spotlight. An Impassioned Account - Seldom-performed Beethoven, recommended by Geoff Pearce. '... excellent performances by all concerned.'

CD Spotlight. Material Traces - Very early music from Scandinavia, heard by Gerald Fenech. '... a highly innovative undertaking which may not be everybody's cup of tea, but for those who have a flair for adventure this programme will definitely enthrall.'

CD Spotlight. End Times? - Hampson Sisler's 'The Second Coming', heard by Howard Smith. '... fine Bulgarian performance ...'

Ensemble. Religious Confrontation - Giuseppe Pennisi experiences Salzburg Festival's 'Ouverture spirituelle'

CD Spotlight. A Valuable Sampling - Armenian music, heard by Howard Smith. '... South Caucasian music performed by a team of its best authenticated exponents.'

Ensemble. Seductive Intensity - Richard Wagner's 'Parsifal' in HD from New York Metropolitan Opera impresses Maria Nockin

Ensemble. The Grand Inquisitor - Giuseppe Pennisi was at the first performance of Alessandro Solbiati's 'La Leggenda' in Turin, and raises the issue of the replicability of modern grand opera

DVD Spotlight. A Needless Diversion - 'Die Entführung aus dem Serail', reviewed by Robert Anderson. 'The applause of the Amsterdam audience is notably muted.'

CD Spotlight. A Hint of Bitters - Music by William Ferris, heard by Howard Smith. 'Well worth investigating.'

CD Spotlight. Aristocratic in Inspiration - Matthew Cameron plays Liszt, enjoyed by Robert Anderson. '... dignity and eloquence.'

CD Spotlight. A Forthright Approach - J S Bach's St Matthew Passion, recommended by Howard Smith. '... the Ex Cathedra performance is a triumph.'

CD Spotlight. Robust and Spirited - James Tibbles plays J S Bach, heard by Howard Smith. '... worthy of widespread international recognition.'

Ensemble. Authority and Charisma - Wagner's 'Siegfried', reviewed by Maria Nockin

Ensemble. Thought-provoking - Music by Harle and Maxwell Davies, heard by Malcolm Miller

CD Spotlight. Contrasting Styles - CDs of medieval music, reviewed by Rex Harley. '... delightful recording ...'

DVD Spotlight. Cruelty Scorned - Die Entführung aus dem Serail, reviewed by Robert Anderson. '... a final curtain meriting maximum applause.'

Faust and the 'Free World' - Madeline Jenkins Millard tells the tale of Tresa Waggoner and the Bennett Six

Editorial musings with Basil Ramsey - Well?

CD Spotlight. Unique musical vision - Music by Georges Lentz, recommended by Carson Cooman. '... works of great originality and beauty.'

Cosmic Failure - Malcolm Miller on the world première of Tavener's 'Song of the Cosmos'