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Pianist, composer and independent researcher, Gordon Rumson has performed extensively, composed over one hundred works in a variety of genres and has written numerous articles on a wide range of topics published in such places as The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, The Wisconsin Academy Review, The Journal of the American Liszt Society, The Journal of the British Liszt Society, International Piano, and online at Other Voices and Music & Vision.
He has done extensive research into little-known composers such as Gunnar Johansen, Denis ApIvor and Arthur Fickénscher, as well as aspects of the soundscape. Also an author of poems and other works of fiction, including children’s stories, he is active as a storyteller and elocutionist.
Music and 'Godhead: The Brain's Big Bang'
Michael Kieran Harvey's tribute to Frank Zappa. 'The virtuosity is astounding.'
A Late Review of Anvil (and some musings on Classical Music Equivalents)
Gordon Rumson looks forward to the Calgary Art Song Competition
Orchestral music by Vytautas Bacevicius. 'He had much to say and said it very well.'
Gordon Rumson has some bad news about creativity and self-promotion
Gordon Rumson airs his issues on the art-form as part of a book-length study
Gordon Rumson previews a new work for piano by Larry Sitsky
A Speculative History of the Present
A concert by Trio Albonata
Music and beyond
Kyle Gann's 'Long Night'. '... music that makes us think.'
A recital by Canadian pianist Robert Silverman
Jenny Lin recovers buried historical treasure
Gordon Rumson replies to Patric Standford's article on keys and the decline of tonality
In a special multimedia presentation, Gordon Rumson talks about Alistair Hinton's String Quintet
Gordon Rumson reads Kevin Bazzana's book about the life and art of Canadian pianist Glenn Gould, and also makes a surprise contribution of his own
To begin a weekend of articles celebrating Wilfrid Mellers' ninetieth birthday, Gordon Rumson investigates Mellers' early writings, 1936-1949
Master musician and representative of the St Petersburg tradition
Angela Lear's search for the essential Chopin. '... heroic single-mindedness.'
Gordon Rumson investigates the sacred choral music of Caleb Simper, (no longer) sung throughout the civilized world
Gordon Rumson recommends Charles Barber's book 'Lost in the Stars: The Forgotten Musical Life of Alexander Siloti'
Fabio Grasso plays Rubinstein, and Gordon Rumson raises some serious issues. '... great elan and vibrancy.'
Gordon Rumson explores sacred and secular in the writing of Wilfrid Mellers
Gordon Rumson reports on a Paul Badura Skoda recital in Calgary
Gordon Rumson reads Paul W Heimel's 'Oleana - The Ole Bull Colony'
Gordon Rumson reports on a rare Carnegie Hall appearance of Mark Lubotsky
Aspects of the music of Keith Barnard
Philip Glass played in Calgary, and Gordon Rumson was in the audience
As the Calgary Philharmonic faces financial ruin, Gordon Rumson asks some difficult questions
Gordon Rumson reads Wilfrid Mellers' book 'Singing in the Wilderness: Music and Ecology in the Twentieth Century'
Gordon Rumson writes about the status and behaviour of musicians
Gordon Rumson reports on New Works Calgary, Friday 13 September 2002
Gordon Rumson writes about the Royal Bank Calgary International Organ Festival and Competition, 7-17 August 2002
Carl Czerny in Edmonton
Gordon Rumson reads from the American composer's selected writings 1921-1964
Magic and mystery. A half world away and a century later, the influence of Busoni is firmly planted in Australia: The music of Larry Sitsky
Nathan Perelman (1906-2002)
Gordon Rumson explores Allan Rae's 'Mirror of Galadriel'
Habermann, Buckle, Green and snagloopdog
Film Musings
World Orchestral Music. 'Perhaps some future anti-ravers will take up this work ...' Hugh Flynn's Wexford Symphony
M&V's monthly visit to the world of online music
An alternate meaning to the music of Philip Glass
take Gordon Rumson's world tour!
M&V's monthly visit to the world of online music
M&V's monthly visit to the world of online music
Perfectly paced. 'Valerie Tryon is an excellent pianist and musician who grasps the style of these pieces beautifully ... her sound and phrasing are gorgeous.' Valerie Tryon performs the music of Ignaz Friedman
The first of Music & Vision's monthly visits to the world of online music
Gordon Rumson investigates the pianist, composer, teacher, activist and organiser Gunnar Johansen
Pianos and Pianists - CD Spotlight - Masterwork. Gordon Rumson admires Sorabji's Opus Clavicembalisticum
Gordon Rumson writes about Leo Ornstein, a composer about to celebrate his 105(?)th birthday
Gordon Rumson investigates the music of Wilfrid Mellers
New Releases - Keith Bramich describes some changes this magazine is making to its reviewing process, and provides a snapshot of information provided by record labels, promoters and individual artists over the last month
Bizarre Perception - Alistair Hinton discusses a recent article on English music by David Hamilton
CD Spotlight. Creative Fire - Larry Sitsky's 'The Way of the Seeker', heard by Gordon Rumson. '... an outstanding artistic achievement ...'
The Composer's Conundrum? - Alistair Hinton comments on Gordon Rumson's recent article
Transcending virtuosity - Alistair Hinton comments on points made in Gordon Rumson's recent Chopin review