LISTENING TO TCHAIKOVSKY: Béla Hartmann uses his knowledge of Eastern Europe to argue against the banning of all Russian culture following Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine.
RESOUNDING ECHOES: From August 2022, Robert McCarney's regular series features little-known twentieth century classical composers.
- United States of America
- Resounding Echoes by Robert McCarney - Heaven and Hell
- February 2023 New Releases - Browse a large selection of new recordings
- Francisco Feliciano
- United Kingdom
A Scandinavian surname, which can refer to the composer Gunnar Johansen, pianist Berit Johansen Tange, composer, pianist and critic David Monrad Johansen and others.
CD Spotlight. Outside the Box - A recital by Gunnar Johansen, heard by Howard Smith. '... a floodtide of seismic power and romantic fervor ...'
Legendary Artist - Gordon Rumson investigates the pianist, composer, teacher, activist and organiser Gunnar Johansen (concluded from last week).
Legendary artist - Gordon Rumson investigates the pianist, composer, teacher, activist and organiser Gunnar Johansen