Gian Francesco Malipiero

Gian Francesco Malipiero was born in Venice on 18 March 1882. He studied as a composer, but spent valuable years transcribing early Italian music and wrote books on Antonio Vivaldi and others. He destroyed most of his own music prior to 1914 and was then prolific to his death (1 August 1973; Treviso).

A selection of articles about Gian Francesco Malipiero

Resounding Echoes by Robert McCarney - The Obscure Wait

Echoes of Oblivion by Robert McCarney - What's in a number?

Echoes of Oblivion by Robert McCarney - Seven Tuscan Nights

CD Spotlight. Double Affection - Giuseppe Pennisi listens to Malipiero. '... played impassionately ...'

Ensemble. Two Performances of 'Turandot' in Rome - Giuseppe Pennisi attended one and saw the other on TV

Classical music news. Defining Our Field - Classical Music Daily's June 2021 Newsletter is a panel discussion led by John Dante Prevedini, and has just been published as a video podcast

CD Spotlight. Saying Goodbye - Music in response to Debussy's early death, reviewed by Geoff Pearce. 'The performances are great all round, and this is a useful addition to anyone's collection.'

CD Spotlight. Of Considerable Interest - Music by Gian Francesco Malipiero, heard by Geoff Pearce. 'This excellent Naxos disc is well worth exploring, and performances from all concerned are very fine indeed.'

CD Spotlight. Something Magical - Music by Malipiero, recommended by Geoff Pearce. '... the forces on this disc are well up to the challenge.'