- Spotlight. Ravishing Music - Geoff Pearce reviews works by Bridge and Franck played by Sally Pinkas and the Apple Hill String Quartet
- Francisco Feliciano
- Graciela Agudelo
- Lucio San Pedro
- Comment
Ensemble. A Call from On High - Mike Wheeler listens to the Sinfonia Viva Brass Quintet
Profile. Stream of Consciousness - Ona Jarmalavičiūtė talks to Canadian oboist and composer Elizabeth Raum
CD Spotlight. Especially Satisfying - Music by Lee Actor, strongly recommended by Ron Bierman. '... an outstanding release.'
CD Spotlight. A Vigorous Spirit - Music by Matthew Taylor, heard by Patric Standford. '... skill and personality in equal measures ...'
CD Spotlight. Imaginative and Challenging - Music by Philip Wilby, heard by Patric Standford. 'Nothing stands still for long ...'
Ensemble. Expert Playing - Music for voices and brass, reviewed by Mike Wheeler
Ask Alice - On oboe-playing daughters-in-law and tuba careers, with Classical Music Agony Aunt Alice McVeigh
Ask Alice - On playing the violin, the viola, the tuba and jobs, with Classical Music Agony Aunt Alice McVeigh
Ensemble. Fire and Flexibility - Verdi's 'Attila', reviewed by Robert Hugill