note 1 music gmbh

Created in 2011 from the merger of MusiContact GmbH and Note 1 Musikvertrieb GmbH, note 1 music gmbh provides marketing and distribution services for Germany and Austria, and label services in around thirty other countries.

The company also adds about sixty new productions each year to its own labels Accent, Christophorus, Glossa Music and Pan Classics.

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A selection of articles about note 1 music gmbh

Spotlight. An Invitational Experience to Peace and Serenity - Gerald Fenech recommends a recording of mediaeval chants of the Cistercians. 'An uplifting collection, exquisitely sung ...'

Spotlight. A Labour of Love by All Concerned - Gerald Fenech is impressed with music by Sweelinck played on recorders. 'The Royal Wind Music, a flute consort of Renaissance recorders of all pitches, are a constant delight throughout ...'

Spotlight. Creating out of Nothing - Gerald Fenech recommends polyphony from the Belgian ensemble Graindelavoix. '... compelling ardour and moving beauty ...'

Spotlight. Highly Prized - Gerald Fenech passionately recommends Anita Cerquetti singing Verdi. '... one of the greatest voices of the twentieth century ...'

Spotlight. Siena Vigils - Gerald Fenech listens to Italian madrigals by Vecchi. 'Inspirational performances ...'

CD Spotlight. Balance and Moderation - Handel's 'Aci, Galatea e Polifemo', heard by Gerald Fenech. '... under the sensitive conducting of Luca Guglielmi, both singers and ensemble are able to display a presence and virtuosity that are just outstanding.'

CD Spotlight. Innermost Tenderness - Gerald Fenech listens to arias by Johann Joseph Fux. 'Maria Ladurner is an inspired and impassioned advocate of Fux's music, and her supreme performances have a thrilling realism that brings out all the contrasting timbres of this fragile yet gravitas-filled music.'

CD Spotlight. A Prodigious Compositional Career - Gerald Fenech listens to music by French baroque composer Joseph Bodin de Boismortier. 'The Neumeyer Consort's performances display a mastery of Boismortier's language that is just astonishing ...'

CD Spotlight. Different Worlds - Haydn symphonies, heard by Gerald Fenech. 'György Vashegyi ... conducts these absolutely sparkling pieces with formidable authority and unbridled zeal ... and his players respond with some utterly warm performances, brimming with bouncy wit and humour yet equally incisive drive.'

CD Spotlight. One of Rameau's Greatest Works - The opera 'Dardanus' impresses Gerald Fenech. 'György Vashegyi paces his forces with meticulous mastery, and his thorough knowledge of the score enables him to bring to the listener all the felicitous nuances of this imaginative music.'

CD Spotlight. Love, Jealousy and Madness - Music inspired by Ariosto's poem 'Orlando Furioso', heard by Gerald Fenech. 'Filippo Mineccia sings with an exceptional timbre that is sensual and luminous, mixing virtuosity with sensitivity, while Pablo Garcia and his ensemble give sympathetic support with their insightful playing.'

CD Spotlight. Don Giovanni's Ancestor - Giuseppe Pennisi listens to the seventeenth century 'L'Empio Punito' by Alessandro Melani. '... a real discovery for opera lovers who have not experienced a live performance.'

CD Spotlight. Inestimable Value - Gerald Fenech listens to 'Hypermnestre' by French baroque composer Charles-Hubert Gervais. 'Vashegyi marshalls his moderate forces with a caring deftness that betrays his sense of purpose and engagement with Gervais' score. Indeed, this is a deeply intelligent and attractive performance that should arouse the fresh sense of investigation which it so richly deserves.'

CD Spotlight. Judged to Perfection - Baroque oboe sonatas played by Xenia Löffler, strongly recommended by Geoff Pearce. '... played very pleasingly with great style and panache by all instruments concerned.'

CD Spotlight. Invaluable and Timely - Nicola Porpora's 'L'Amato Nome', enjoyed by Gerald Fenech. 'Stile Galante deliver performances that are sensitive, intelligent and beautifully controlled with the singing in particular being stylish and elegant yet consistently expressive and linguistically meticulous.'

CD Spotlight. An Outstanding Selection - Music by Christoph Graupner, strongly recommended by Gerald Fenech. 'Exquisitely beautiful music, superbly performed, sumptuously recorded and splendidly packaged.'

CD Spotlight. Delicate and Slender - Handel's 'Messiah', recommended by Gerald Fenech. 'A new experience of a work we have heard so many times.'

CD Spotlight. Rare Emotional Content - Sacred music by Gaetano Veneziano, highly recommended by Gerald Fenech. '... this music took me completely by surprise ...'

CD Spotlight. Commanding the Passions - Sonatas by Francesco Barsanti, enjoyed by Gerald Fenech. '... performances are consistently versatile, accurate and poetic.'

CD Spotlight. Consummate Skill - Boccherini chamber music, heard by Gerald Fenech. '... exquisite stuff from beginning to end ...'

CD Spotlight. First Rate - Harp music from early baroque Naples, recommended by Gerald Fenech. 'Margret Köll's performances have an ethereal aura ...'