Classical music news - Dialogue Across Borders - The National Youth Orchestra of Germany gives ten concerts in cities including Vienna, Hamburg, London, Manchester, Birmingham and Edinburgh
Classical music news. October 2024 Newsletter - Watch and listen to our October 2024 video newsletter - Composers, individuals or collective?
Classical music news. Punkt Kontrapunkt - A selection of forthcoming performances
Spotlight. Fling Wide the Gates - Keith Bramich listens to Delphian Records' new recording of John Stainer's 'The Crucifixion'. '... excellent and committed performance ...'
An Act of Love - Malcolm Miller discusses the play 'Dedication'
Classical music news. Edinburgh is a Story - Various items of news from around the world
Classical music news. Obituary - Lyell Cresswell (1944-2022)
CD Spotlight. Songs of Stevenson - Roderic Dunnett listens to a recital by Scottish bass Brian Bannatyne-Scott. '... a notably original disc ... well worth exploring.'
CD Spotlight. What to do with Bach? - Patrick Maxwell listens to the 'Goldberg Variations' on the accordion. 'Telari plays with an alluring sensitivity ...'
CD Spotlight. An Exemplary Partnership - Geoff Pearce is impressed by Mozart Violin Sonatas transcribed and played by oboist Olivier Stankiewicz, accompanied by Jonathan Ware. '... the performances here are astounding.'
CD Spotlight. Technical Brilliance - James Willshire plays piano music by Cecil Coles and Gustav Holst, heard by Gerald Fenech. 'James Willshire is renowned for his virtuosity and intelligence of his keyboard mastery, and all this is on display in this recital.'
CD Spotlight. Masterly Setting - Gerald Fenech listens to choral music by Kenneth Leighton. 'Performances are of a consistently high level throughout and blessed with a beautifully recorded sound.'
CD Spotlight. A Distinctive Scottish Flavour - Geoff Pearce listens to chamber music and songs by Judith Weir. '... a fantastic disc ...'
CD Spotlight. Crossing Boundaries - Chamber music by Nigel Osborne, heard by Gerald Fenech. '... beguiling and vivid performances ...'
CD Spotlight. Brilliantly Executed - John Kitchen plays British Light Music by Arthur Sullivan and Michael Thomson, heard by Gerald Fenech. 'A gem of a disc full of wit, warmth and colour ...'
CD Spotlight. Sensational - Maxwell Davies from the Hebrides Ensemble, recommended by Roderic Dunnett. 'As an approach to Maxwell Davies' music, this could scarcely be bettered.'
CD Spotlight. Crystalline Beauty - Stravinsky choral music, highly recommended by Gerald Fenech. '... Stravinsky's blend of the mystic and mundane never ceases to astound.'
CD Spotlight. Brilliant Playing - Organ music played by John Kitchen, enjoyed by Gerald Fenech. '... a curiously varied programme ...'
CD Spotlight. Highly Personal - Messiaen organ music, heard by Gerald Fenech. 'An excellent introduction to Messiaen's unique sound-world ...'
CD Spotlight. Lovely and Imaginative - Scottish music from young performers impresses Geoff Pearce. '... beautifully performed ...'
CD Spotlight. Varied Programme - The Usher Hall organ impresses Gerald Fenech. 'John Kitchen oozes out every sound possible from this monster of an organ ...'
CD Spotlight. Assuredly Managed - Baroque premieres, heard by Howard Smith. '... Udagawa reveals its melodic character to the full.'
CD Spotlight. Stirringly Uplifting - Organ music by William Faulkes, heard by Gerald Fenech. 'Duncan Ferguson's renditions are as enthralling as they are warmly expressive ...'
CD Spotlight. Rhythmical Flair - David Wilde's Chopin impresses Robert Anderson. '... Wilde shows how it can be transformed in the hands of a master.'
CD Spotlight. Scottish Dance - Music by Robert Mackintosh, recommended by Laura Kennelly. 'No problem feeling music's power here ...'
CD Spotlight. A Vital Force - Music by Handel from Ludus Baroque impresses Howard Smith. '... robust, spring-heeled performances ...'
Ensemble. Top Class Musicianship - Roderic Dunnett visits Gloucester for the 2010 Three Choirs Festival
Strongly Stated and Idiosyncratic - 'Composing in Words: William Alwyn on his Art', read by Patric Standford
CD Spotlight. Grandest Lines - Donald Tovey's cello concerto, heard by Robert Anderson. '... satisfyingly masterful.'
Ensemble. Power and Expressiveness - Janácek's 'Katya Kabanova', reviewed by Robert Hugill
A Real Find - Robert Davies made a remarkable impact when he stood in as Papageno late in the run of English Touring Opera's 'The Magic Flute'; Roderic Dunnett profiles him and celebrates the progress of other ETO cast members
European tour - A preview, of sorts, of the Cleveland Orchestra's four-city, three festival visit, by Kelly Ferjutz