Brilliant Classics

Brilliant Classics is a music label based in Leeuwarden, Netherlands, known for releasing CD sets at very low prices of the complete works of many composers, including Ludwig van Beethoven and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Its 155 CD set of the complete works of J S Bach has sold more than half-a-million copies. Founded in 1995, its artistic director is pianist and record producer Pieter van Winkel. The label and its subsidiary, Piano Classics, are currently owned by the German entertainment group Edel AG.

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A selection of articles about Brilliant Classics

Spotlight. Complex Music - Geoff Pearce finds a new recording of Messiaen's 'Quartet for the End of Time' very compelling. '... one of the best recordings you could ever hope to hear.'

Spotlight. Speaking from an Earlier Time - Geoff Pearce enjoys vocal music by Sweelinck. '... beautifully performed ...'

Spotlight. Brimming with Good Humour - Geoff Pearce listens to piano music by Salieri. '... a fine disc ...'

Spotlight. An Individualistic Style - Geoff Pearce listens to Frank Martin's music with flute. 'The performances are very good and totally convincing.'

Spotlight. Lofty Ideas - Gerald Fenech listens to music by Francesco Cilea. 'Performances are alive, clear and cheery.'

Spotlight. Three Surprises - Gerald Fenech recommends music by Mozart played by the Czech Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra Pardubice. '... a diverse survey of Mozart's occasional music in excellent sound quality and attractive presentation ...'

Spotlight. Delightful and Skilfully Crafted - Geoff Pearce listens to oboe concertos by Hertel. 'Oboist Katarzyna Pilipiuk is superb. She produces a pleasing tone, is precise in her fingerwork and has marvellous intonation.'

Spotlight. Surprisingly Excellent - Gerald Fenech recommends music by Martucci. '... Martucci's music is so well crafted with an abundant spring of melody that one never tires of listening to it.'

Spotlight. Imagination, Humour and Depth - Gerald Fenech listens to oboe concertos by eighteenth century German composer Ludwig August Lebrun. 'Nancy Ambrose King's flawless technique allows the music to flow with a strong sense of drama ...'

Spotlight. Exquisitely Descriptive Music - Gerald Fenech warmly recommends harpsichord music by Pierre-Claude Foucquet. 'It's a joy for a lifetime.'

Spotlight. A Near Unforgettable Experience - Gerald Fenech praises Krijn Koetsveld and Le Nuove Musiche for their new Monteverdi recording. '... breathtaking precision and technical proficiency that are simply stunning.'

Spotlight. Soul-searching Works - Gerald Fenech emphatically recommends orchestral music by Tchaikovsky. '... the singing is consistently exquisite, marvellously balanced and warmly intimate.'

Spotlight. Most Satisfying - Geoff Pearce highly recommends Andrius Puskunigis' recording of Handel oboe concertos. 'This disc is one of the finest I have heard of an oboist playing Baroque music on a modern instrument.'

CD Spotlight. Clear Melodic Simplicity - Geoff Pearce listens to guitar music by Antonio Lauro. 'I recommend this recording to anyone who loves and appreciates fine classical guitar playing ...'

Echoes of Oblivion by Robert McCarney - Going for a Song

Echoes of Oblivion by Robert McCarney - What's in a number?

Ensemble. Rediscovering Scriabin - Italian pianist Mariangela Vacatello plays Scriabin from memory, heard by Giuseppe Pennisi

CD Spotlight. Spiritual Gravitas and Edifying Beauty - Gerald Fenech is moved by Johann Michael Haydn's vocal and choral music. 'Roberta Paraninfo and her Italian choristers deliver riveting performances full of immaculate singing that penetrates straight to the heart, and Michael Haydn's superb choral writing is brought to the fore with flowing simplicity.'

CD Spotlight. Fresh and Interesting - Music by Ghedini and Hindemith, wholeheartedly recommended by Geoff Pearce. '... there are some truly lovely moments ...'

CD Spotlight. Quite Muddied and On Steroids - Geoff Pearce has very mixed feelings about Andrius Puskunigis' new recording of Handel oboe concertos. '... there are some truly lovely moments ...'

CD Spotlight. Well-crafted - Music by Alexander Goedicke for violin and piano, recommended by Geoff Pearce. '... a great disc of a sadly mostly overlooked fine composer.'

CD Spotlight. A Welcome Addition - Two Beethoven concertos, heard by Gerald Fenech. 'Three gifted soloists ... playing, with one heart and one soul, music that is sublime, graceful and thoroughly captivating.'

CD Spotlight. Modelled on Bach - Krebs' harpsichord music, heard by Gerald Fenech. '... brimming with colour, energy and rhythmic beauty ...'

CD Spotlight. Many Hidden Nuances - Monteverdi organ works, reviewed by Gerald Fenech. 'Kriju Koetsveld is a keen advocate of this repertoire ...'

CD Spotlight. Beautifully Crafted - Music by Dutch composer Hendrik Andriessen, recommended by Geoff Pearce. '... absolutely inspirational ...'

CD Spotlight. A Strong Partnership - Riviera Lazeri and David Boldrini play Martinů Cello Sonatas, heard by Geoff Pearce. '... the performances on this disc are truly very admirable.'

CD Spotlight. Benjamin Britten and James Joyce - Giuseppe Pennisi listens to two sets of English folk and other songs. '... very good listening ...'

CD Spotlight. Handel and the Roman Baroque School - Giuseppe Pennisi listens to Lorenzo Tozzi's Romabarocca Ensemble. '... a precious CD from which to learn little known aspects of baroque music ...'