CENTRAL ENGLAND: Mike Wheeler's concert reviews from Nottingham and Derbyshire feature high profile artists on the UK circuit - often quite early on their tours.
VIDEO PODCAST: James Ross and Eric Fraad discuss Streaming, Downloads and CDs with Maria Nockin, Mary Mogil, David Arditti, Gerald Fenech, John Daleiden, John Dante Prevedini, Lucas Ball and Stephen Francis Vasta.
Al fresco - Italian for 'fresh' - is generally used, when writing about classical music in English, to refer to concerts held out of doors. In an age of electronic amplification, classical music is increasingly performed out-of-doors, often in parks, gardens and outdoor auditoria, usually during summertime.
Ensemble. Schubert's Octet and the Spirit of Vienna - Giuseppe Pennisi reports from the final concert of a Schubert festival in Rome
Ensemble. Italian Operas in Miskolc - Anett Fodor sends her final report from the 2019 Bartók Plus Opera Festival
Ensemble. Especially Successful - Gillian Wills reports from the Australian Fesival of Chamber Music