Antonio de Cabezón

Antonio de Cabezón, the blind Spanish composer and organist, was born near Burgos on 30 March 1510 and died on 26 March 1566 in Madrid. He attended the King as keyboard player and was regarded as a progressive in his compositional style. He is considered one of the most important composers of his time and the first major composer of keyboard works from the Iberlan peninsula.


A selection of articles about Antonio de Cabezón

Maybrick - A classical music word-puzzle by Allan Rae

CD Spotlight. First Rate - Harp music from early baroque Naples, recommended by Gerald Fenech. 'Margret Köll's performances have an ethereal aura ...'

CD Spotlight. Riveting Stuff - Spanish early music in the new world, heard by Gerald Fenech. 'All thirty tracks have a charm of their own ...'