Egon Petri, the Dutch pianist, was born at Hanover in Germany on 23 March 1881 and died in Berkeley, California, USA on 27 May 1962. His international fame as a recitalist was further strengthened by his collaboration with Busoni in Switzerland for an edition of Bach.
Spotlight. Engaging, Interesting and Thoughtful - Endre Anaru is inspired by Francesco Cera's performance of The Well-Tempered Clavier: Part 1, Book 1. 'He gives voice to the voices and instead of just a dry plain reading we hear an enlivened elocution. It is as if he recited the music for us.'
CD Spotlight. Outside the Box - A recital by Gunnar Johansen, heard by Howard Smith. '... a floodtide of seismic power and romantic fervor ...'
CD Spotlight. Creative Fire - Larry Sitsky's 'The Way of the Seeker', heard by Gordon Rumson. '... an outstanding artistic achievement ...'