DISCUSSION: John Dante Prevedini leads a discussion about Classical Music and Politics, including contributions from Béla Hartmann and James Ross.
UPDATES: There's a new feature every day at Classical Music Daily. Read about the various ways we can keep in touch with you about what's happening here.
Classical Music Daily has celebrated April Fools Day with some outlandish features about classical music on many of the years since we started publishing in 1999. These include Climate Justice for Classical Music, A Delius Cookbook, Sing Ye to the Law, Robert Fayrfax - a recent discovery (by Mike Wheeler), Reginald Twiddlebrain - Nights at the Turntable, Movements, Taming the lion, The lost pipers of Iasi, Ask Alice (episode 1), Japanese conducting batons, Classical spam and Avril Ngaire Poisson and Europe.
Classical music news. Del Mar-a-Lago Festival - Here are further details about the contemporary music festival mentioned in our April newsletter
Classical music news. April 2023 Newsletter - Our 1 April 2023 PDF newsletter has just been published
A Delius Cookbook - Mike Wheeler reports on unusual rumours from Grez-sur-Loing in France
Ask Alice - Playing 'Fiddler on the Roof' at wedding receptions, with classical music agony aunt Alice McVeigh