harmonia mundi

harmonia mundi is an independent music record label founded in 1958 by Bernard Coutaz at Arles in the south of France. The label's catalogue is devoted mostly to classical music. Although it has a reputation as an early music label, the hm group has grown to include all aspects of the publishing business, for both recordings and books, from production to distribution (see harmonia mundi distribution), and in some countries, retail outlets. Several hundred people are employed worldwide.

Further information: harmoniamundi.com


A selection of articles about harmonia mundi

Spotlight. Urinary Bladder Surgery? - Gerald Fenech recommends lusciously presented and recorded music by the French composer Marin Marais. '... charmingly descriptive music full of colourful expressiveness that is unjustly neglected.'

Spotlight. An Entrancing Programme - Gerald Fenech strongly recommends eighteenth century music for harp, played by Xavier de Maistre. 'At times mystical, at others immensely relaxing and uplifting, this is music coming down from above that soothes the soul and calms the mind.'

Spotlight. A Glorious Listening Experience - Seven orchestral works by Camille Saint-Saëns, warmly recommended by Gerald Fenech. '... a thrilling and vibrant journey of melodic invention.'

CD Spotlight. Hugely Attractive Music - Gerald Fenech listens to a reissue of cello concertos by Haydn and Monn. '... simple but masterfully crafted, spouting melody at every turn.'

CD Spotlight. Tremendously Moving - Well-known and less well-known French choral music, recommended by Gerald Fenech. '... performances are full of profound grandeur ...'

CD Spotlight. Ticking All the Boxes - Geoff Pearce is delighted by a new recording of two Ravel works. 'A thrilling orchestra, inspired direction, a great cast of singers, two Ravel masterworks, sumptuous recorded sound and a most informative booklet ...'

CD Spotlight. A Great Pairing - Geoff Pearce listens to orchestral works by Debussy. 'This recording will be one that delights you again and again.'

CD Spotlight. Absolutely Compelling - Cherubini, Méhul and Beethoven, recommended wholeheartedly by Gerald Fenech. 'Bernhard Forck leads with engrossing enthusiasm, and his Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin responds with some truly exhilarating performances that sweep you off your feet.'

CD Spotlight. Tender and Intimate - Geoff Pearce listens to Mahler's Fourth Symphony. 'I find this recording very satisfying on so many levels.'

CD Spotlight. Subtle Differences - Ravel on period instruments, heartily recommended by Geoff Pearce. '... there are some truly lovely moments ...'

CD Spotlight. Beauty to Entice the Ears - Gerald Fenech listens to a compilation mass from Antonio Vivaldi's music. '... vibrant playing full of unalloyed joy.'

CD Spotlight. Powerful Drama - Roderic Dunnett listens to 'Der Freischütz' from René Jacobs and the Freiburger Barockorchester. '... a whispering, confidential or, where needed, overawing and commanding performance ...'

CD Spotlight. Much to Enjoy - Violin concertos by Vivaldi, Locatelli and Leclair senior delight Gerald Fenech. 'Théotime Langlois de Swarte despatches these pieces with glorious dexterity, and the freshness of his playing is so engaging that you never tire of listening.'

CD Spotlight. Beauty and Emotional Depth - Geoff Pearce recommends Schubert's 'Winterreise', performed by Mark Padmore and Paul Lewis. '... everything that I could wish for ...'

CD Spotlight. The Ultimate Recording - François-Xavier Roth's recording of Debussy's 'Pelléas et Mélisande', recommended by Geoff Pearce. '... all are truly outstanding ...'

CD Spotlight. Hugely Educational - Christiane Karg's new album, heard by Keith Bramich. '... great clarity and precision in Christiane Karg's voice and sensitive support from Gerold Huber ...'

CD Spotlight. An Interesting History - Gerald Fenech listens to Marc-Antoine Charpentier's 'Le Malade Imaginaire'. 'William Christie and his Arts Florissants offer an interpretation that sparkles with a musical originality ...'

CD Spotlight. Rococo Charm - Boccherini quintets, heard by Gerald Fenech. 'These are finely polished scores and Les Ombres oblige with some sparkling virtuosity that is a pleasure for the senses.'

CD Spotlight. Stravinsky's Breakthrough - Gerald Fenech listens to Diaghilev's commissions. '... absolutely enthralling, revelatory and consistently vibrant.'

CD Spotlight. Merriment and Joy - Music by Nicola Matteis, John Banister, Gottfried Finger, Matthew Locke and Johann Schop, warmly recommended by Gerald Fenech. 'Elegant and full of warmth, these dances are imaginatively orchestrated and extremely well crafted, and the playing is wonderfully affective.'

CD Spotlight. Triumphant Optimism - Lucas Ball compares two Beethoven choral works on a new recording from harmonia mundi. 'I love what the chorus does here ...'

CD Spotlight. Immense Joy - Gerald Fenech listens to Beethoven and Gossec symphonies. 'A first-rate project deserving of the most serious of investigations.'

CD Spotlight. Truly Riveting Stuff - Gerald Fenech explores a harmonia mundi disc depicting folly in various forms. 'This music is without doubt Stephanie d'Oustrac's territory, and she once again rises to the occasion with some superlative singing full of heartfelt passion, feverish emotion and dramatic intensity.'

CD Spotlight. Beethoven the Innovator - Cuarteto Casals plays a selection of Beethoven string quartets, reviewed by Giuseppe Pennisi. 'All of the highest quality.'

CD Spotlight. Special in Many Ways - Gerald Fenech listens to Musorgsky and Ravel, conducted by François-Xavier Roth. 'Truly hair-raising stuff, wonderfully annotated and recorded.'

CD Spotlight. Great Character - Lucas Ball listens to Riccardo Minasi's interpretations of late Mozart symphonies. 'Minasi's control is great here.'

CD Spotlight. Prevailing Classicism - Music by Prokofiev for the cello, reviewed by Gerald Fenech. 'Conductor, soloists and orchestra get under Prokofiev's skin with renditions full of fire and energy, spiced with a Slavonic spirit that complements the texture of the music - mesmerising virtuosity matched only by the genius of the composer.'

CD Spotlight. Effervescent Beauty - Music by Pärt, Vasks and MacMillan, sung by the Choir of Clare College, Cambridge, impressing Patrick Maxwell. 'This recording from the Choir of Clare College Cambridge under the direction of Graham Ross cements their position as one of the finest church ensembles in the country ...'

CD Spotlight. A Glittering Compilation - Spanish Christmas music from Stile Antico impresses Gerald Fenech. 'Flawless performances by Stile Antico, added to some impressive sonics and eye-catching presentation ...'

CD Spotlight. A Quintessentially French Bestiary - French songs by various composers, heard by Gerald Fenech. 'Ducks, peacocks, pigs, butterflies, dromedaries, carp, cicadas and owls are just some of the creatures in the menagerie assembled for this recording.'

CD Spotlight. A Compelling New Reading - Anett Fodor is impressed by Daniel Harding and the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra's recent recording of Mahler's Fifth Symphony. 'Daniel Harding awakens and keeps the listener's curiosity captive, demanding thorough attention for his compelling interpretation.'

CD Spotlight. Fascination and Influence - Gerald Fenech is impressed by Lucille Boulanger and friends. 'The talented foursome heard here rise brilliantly to the hurdles presented and performances are consistently full of charm and warmth, wrapped up in an aura of unmitigated sensitivity.'

CD Spotlight. A Splendid Compendium - Iberian concertos and sonatas, recommended by Gerald Fenech. '... finely and eloquently played by an ensemble that is passionately committed to creating a sound world that never ages.'

CD Spotlight. Not an Obvious Connection - Debussy and Jazz, heard by Paul Sarcich. 'For those with wide enough ears it will be an attractive and thought-provoking listen.'

CD Spotlight. Profound Originality - Harpsichord music by Louis Couperin, heard by Gerald Fenech. 'Christophe Rousset ... gives radiant performances full of charm and grace ...'

CD Spotlight. Addiction to Poetry - Debussy songs, heard by Gerald Fenech. 'Two joyful hours from four of the most passionate advocates for Debussy you can find at present.'

CD Spotlight. Absolutely Gorgeous - Harpsichord music by François Couperin, heard by Gerald Fenech. '... Bertrand Cuiller gives magical renditions of a number of Ordres, displaying with vigorous energy all the colour of sounds, alliterations, double meanings and parodies that these works encapsulate ...'

CD Spotlight. Grace and Beauty - Music by Bartók for Piano and Orchestra, heard by Geoff Pearce. 'I would recommend this disc for a great recording of the Piano Concerto No 3 ...'

CD Spotlight. A Life-enhancing Work - Gustav Mahler's Symphony No 9 impresses Gerald Fenech. '... Harding's handling of the inner angst of the music is faultlessly revealing.'

CD Spotlight. Reformation Cantatas - Commemorating a historic anniversary, reviewed by Gerald Fenech. 'Superb performances, coupled with some excellent sound and scholarly annotations complete a disc brimming with historical appeal.'

CD Spotlight. Telling Clarity - Telemann concertos impress Gerald Fenech. '... in the Berliners' hands Telemann's music sounds even more trailblazing than maybe the composer intended.'

CD Spotlight. A Mystic Island - Arvo Pärt's 'Canon of Repentance', recommended by Gerald Fenech. '... Daniel Reuss and Cappella Amsterdam more than do justice to the distilled purity and sublime beauty of this work.'

CD Spotlight. Public Taste - Madrigals from Monteverdi's Venice period, highly recommended by Gerald Fenech. 'Paul Agnew and his famous choristers give highly exciting performances, with every poetic nuance exploited to maximum musical effect.'

CD Spotlight. Gorgeously Irresistible - Piano quintets by Granados and Turina, strongly recommended by Gerald Fenech. '... an almost instinctive sense of interplay between the players ...'

CD Spotlight. Translucent Sound - Harp music from Xavier de Maistre, appreciated by Gerald Fenech. 'Performances are lusciously executed, and both soloist and orchestra are in perfect harmony ...'

CD Spotlight. Rapturous Creations - Trio Karénine plays Robert Schumann piano trios, and impresses Gerald Fenech. '... commanding authority, rewarding depth and devil-may-care exuberance ...'

CD Spotlight. Wildly Joyous - Lutoslawski and Brahms orchestral music grips Gerald Fenech. 'Peruvian conductor Miguel Harth-Bedoya marshalls his Fort Worth forces with effortless control.'

CD Spotlight. Sparkling Energy - J S Bach Violin Concertos, heard by Gerald Fenech. 'Manze and Podger give free reign to Bach's poetic inspiration ...'

CD Spotlight. Consummate Skill - William Christie's Les Arts Florissants, heard by Gerald Fenech. '... each piece comes to life with inimitable charm and grace.'

CD Spotlight. Irresistible Momentum - René Jacobs' Haydn Symphonies, heard by Gerald Fenech. '... great zest and alacrity.'

CD Spotlight. Vivid Testimony - Suites, canons and songs by Pachelbel, heard by Gerald Fenech. '... generously filled and sumptuously recorded.'

CD Spotlight. Charmingly Infectious - Handel's Water Music, enjoyed by Gerald Fenech. 'The Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin plays with an undisguised love for the music ...'

CD Spotlight. A True Poet - Vadym Kholodenko plays Prokofiev, recommended by Geoff Pearce. '... a majestic, lovely recording, full of colour and detail.'

CD Spotlight. Angelic Stuff - Paul Hillier conducts Arvo Pärt, recommended by Gerald Fenech. '... performances of the most wondrous beauty.'

CD Spotlight. A Lovely Compilation - Renaissance Christmas choral music, recommended by Gerald Fenech. '... performed with breathtaking freshness, balance and gracefulness ...'

CD Spotlight. Evoking Mood - Piano music by film composers, heard by the late Howard Smith. '... Cheng is clearly at ease ...'

CD Spotlight. Cleverly Selected - Eighteenth century lied, recommended by the late Howard Smith. '... lucid, expressive variety.'

CD Spotlight. A Fine Programme - Vaughan Williams and MacMillan oboe concertos, recommended by Howard Smith. '... superb performances ideally recorded.'

CD Spotlight. Most Beguiling - Works by Chopin written in 1846, recommended by Gerald Fenech. 'A positive artistic experience ...'

CD Spotlight. Great Beauty - Music by Étienne Moulinié, heard by Gerald Fenech. 'The members of Ensemble Correspondances have these pieces under their skin ...'

CD Spotlight. Particularly Enticing - Antonio Vivaldi flute concerti, recommended by Gerald Fenech. 'Steger is a likeable exponent ...'

CD Spotlight. White Mass - Andrei Korobeinikov plays Scriabin, heard by Howard Smith. '... vividly performed ...'

CD Spotlight. Operatic Riches - Arias by Handel, Bononcini and Ariosti, heard by Gerald Fenech. 'Lawrence Zazzo has a bright and clear timbre ...'

CD Spotlight. The Genuine Article - Dvorák from the Lucerne Symphony Orchestra, heard by Stephen Francis Vasta. '... I'm looking forward to hearing and seeing more of Gaffigan's work ...'

CD Spotlight. Imaginative Programming - Zenia Löffler's Venetian concerti impress Geoff Pearce. 'This disc will not fail to please ...'

CD Spotlight. An Inveterate Borrower - J S Bach's Köthener Trauermusik impresses Robert Anderson. '... incomparable music ...'

Ensemble. Tolerance and Enlightenment - 'Die Entführung aus dem Serail' at Sagra Musicale Umbra enthralls Giuseppe Pennisi

CD Spotlight. Without Despair - Sacred choral music by Poulenc, heard by Howard Smith. 'Harmonia mundi has struck oil ...'

CD Spotlight. A Glorious Time - C P E Bach's Magnificat, heard by Robert Anderson. 'Soloists, choir and orchestra under Hans-Christoph Rademann ... infectiously impart their delight in the music ...'

CD Spotlight. Elegant and Decorative - J S Bach's Brandenburg Concertos, impress Gerald Fenech. '... up there with the best.'

CD Spotlight. Dedication and Commitment - René Jacobs' St Matthew Passion, strongly recommended by Gerald Fenech. '... a power that almost sweeps you off your feet.'

CD Spotlight. Much to Enjoy - Mark Padmore sings British vocal music, recommended by Gerald Fenech. '... beautifully sung, recorded and presented ...'

CD Spotlight. Inner Essence - Estonian folk hymns and runic songs, heard by Howard Smith. '... enduring, limitless appeal.'

CD Spotlight. Sterling Work - Choral music by Imogen Holst, heard by Robert Anderson. '... a notable and much overdue act of piety.'

CD Spotlight. A Fine Protagonist - Isabelle Faust plays Bartók violin concertos, recommended by Robert Anderson. 'The Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra under Daniel Harding has accompanied with alert sensitivity ...'

CD Spotlight. Crystalline Intensity - La Nuova Musica's Vivaldi and Handel impresses Howard Smith. '... recommendable for its baroque verisimilitude and clarity.'

CD Spotlight. Mostly Excellent - Smetana's 'The Bartered Bride', heard by Stephen Francis Vasta. '... a fine performance ...'

CD Spotlight. European Impressionism - Quartets by Ravel, Debussy and Saint-Saëns, heard by Howard Smith. '[Quatuor Modigliani] attack it with some vehemence.'

CD Spotlight. Intimate Style - Schubert's String Quintet in C pleases Stephen Francis Vasta. '... unusually sensitive, freshly considered ...'

CD Spotlight. Wondrous Music - Cuarteto Casals, heard by Robert Anderson. '... impeccable ensemble, just intonation, a rich variety of tone colours, and a youthful freshness of approach.'

CD Spotlight. A Dismal Success - Felicity Lott sings Poulenc, heard by Robert Anderson. '... various moods of increasing desperation ...'

CD Spotlight. Gloriously Provocative - Bernstein's Mass, heard by Robert Anderson. '... the scandal and much of the fun is in the "tropes".'

CD Spotlight. Searing Lyricism - Schubert from Cuarteto Casals, heard by Robert Anderson. '... I have enjoyed most the slower movements.'

CD Spotlight. Intricate Calm - Music by Christopher Gibbons, heard by Robert Anderson. '... fine music-making ...'

CD Spotlight. Striking and Virtuosic - Etsuko Hirose plays Balakirev, and impresses Robert Anderson. '... electrifying performance ...'

CD Spotlight. A Triumphant Achievement - Diabelli variations by Beethoven and others, enjoyed by Robert Anderson. '... deft conjuring tricks ...'

CD Spotlight. Joyous Appreciation - Schumann's Piano Quartet and Piano Quintet, heard by Robert Anderson. '... all the requisite drive and poise.'

CD Spotlight. Entertaining Tricks - Couperin's 'Apothéoses', heard by Robert Anderson. '... a stylish account of the music ...'

CD Spotlight. Sensitively Aware - Piano concertos and a violin sonata, heard by Robert Anderson. 'The performances do full justice to Shostakovich's demands ...'

CD Spotlight. Supple Artistry - Isabelle Faust plays Berg and Beethoven, heard by Howard Smith. '... alive with dancing quicksilver and spring-heeled agility.'

CD Spotlight. Gorgeous Colours - Schubert from the Tokyo Quartet, heard by Howard Smith. '... a great deal in their favour ...'

CD Spotlight. Entirely Captivating - The Nativity story told through music, recommended by Howard Smith. '... a balanced and fulfilling listening experience.'

CD Spotlight. Wonderfully Alert - Handel Works for Italy, heard by Robert Anderson. 'Lucy Crowe has the range, agility, and subtlety ...'

CD Spotlight. Sheer Conviction - Handel's 'Agrippina', heard by Robert Anderson. '... Handel's music survives gloriously, with singers and orchestra at top voltage.'

CD Spotlight. Striking Musicianship - Elena Kuschnerova plays Prokofiev, heard by Howard Smith. '... sparkling, lyrical and appropriately balletic ...'

CD Spotlight. Beautifully Considered - Music for violin and viola, heard by Howard Smith. 'Braun has a firm, bright, highly focused tone ...'

CD Spotlight. A Symbol of Gratitude? - Mozart Symphonies 39 and 40, heard by Robert Anderson. '... vitality and alertness ...'

Ensemble. Soulful Intimacy - A concert by Yasmin Levy lingers in Malcolm Miller's memory

CD Spotlight. Joyously Guiltfree - Haydn's 'Creation', heard by Robert Anderson. 'Haydn is on top form throughout ...'

CD Spotlight. An Exceptional Recording - Mozart's 'Idomeneo', treasured by Patric Standford. '... beautifully paced and crafted ...'

Ensemble. Thoughtfully Conceived - James Judd conducts Handel's 'Messiah', reviewed by Lawrence Budmen

CD Spotlight. Effectively Performed - Music for violin, cello and piano, heard by Howard Smith. '... beautiful, technically accomplished playing ...'

CD Spotlight. Irresistible Enjoyment - Music by Mozart and Mendelssohn, heard by Howard Smith. '... a truly idiomatic performance ...'

CD Spotlight. Intense Expressiveness - Music from Venice, reviewed by George Balcombe. '... an amazing display of eighteen short pieces ...'

CD Spotlight. Exceptional Assurance - J S Bach organ sonatas, heard by Howard Smith. '... an immensely satisfying conclusion.'

CD Spotlight. Shaken and Stirred - Maurice Steger plays Giuseppe Sammartini, recommended by Jennifer Paull

CD Spotlight. A Skilful Balance - The Icicle Creek Piano Trio, reviewed by Howard Smith. '... rhythmically brisk, considered performances ...'

CD Spotlight. Amazing Confidence - Concertos by Handel, reviewed by Robert Hugill. '... the playing here is some of the most incisive that I have heard ...'

Record Box. Flawless Ensemble - Music by Messiaen, recommended by Patric Standford

CD Spotlight. Stylistic Eloquence - Italian arias and madrigals, recommended by Maria Nockin. '... performed with accuracy and grace.'

Record Box. Joyous Tintinnabulation - The Play of Daniel intrigues and delights Robert Anderson

CD Spotlight. Striking Beauty - Rachmaninov's Vespers, enjoyed by Howard Smith. '... marvellous tonal exactitude, pellucid control, superb diction ...'

Record Box. Doubled Concertos - Malcolm Tattersall listens to Bach

CD Spotlight. An Orchestral Conception - Bach church cantatas, heard by Robert Anderson. '... robust and sensitive as required ...'

A Natural Approach - Alex Kobrin plays Haydn, Beethoven and Chopin, heard by Bill Newman

Record Box. A Triumph - Matthias Goerne sings Schubert, enjoyed by Robert Anderson

CD Spotlight. Heightened Intimacy - Russian Romantic songs, enjoyed by Howard Smith. '... magically touching musicianship ...'

Record box - Creative glue. Buxtehude and the sonata, heard by Basil Ramsey

Strange paradox - Bernard Coutaz, founder and chairman of harmonia mundi, writes on globalisation and the destruction of culture