RESOUNDING ECHOES: From August 2022, Robert McCarney's regular series features little-known twentieth century classical composers.
CENTRAL ENGLAND: Mike Wheeler's concert reviews from Nottingham and Derbyshire feature high profile artists on the UK circuit - often quite early on their tours.
Classical music news. Obituary - Colin Tilney (1933-2024)
Spotlight. Beautiful Stuff - Gerald Fenech admires vocal music from sixteenth century Guatemala. '... I could not but admire the sheer passion and enthusiasm of the Alvarado and Abramovich duo in their performances of this exceptional and plaintive repertoire ...'
Spotlight. An Invitational Experience to Peace and Serenity - Gerald Fenech recommends a recording of mediaeval chants of the Cistercians. 'An uplifting collection, exquisitely sung ...'
Classical music news. Divine Art Recordings - As Stephen Sutton retires, his British record label is acquired by a new company, First Inversion
Spotlight. Creating out of Nothing - Gerald Fenech recommends polyphony from the Belgian ensemble Graindelavoix. '... compelling ardour and moving beauty ...'
Classical music news. Obituary - Benjamin Luxon (1937-2024)
Classical music news - Emotional Highs - Forthcoming performances in the USA and UK
Classical music news. March 2022 Newsletter - Watch and listen to our March 2022 newsletter
Classical music news. Obituary - Alexander Maykapar (1946-2021)
Ensemble. Music through Breath - Adrian Kelly talks to Christian Curnyn about Handel's 'Acis and Galatea' as part of the Buxton International Festival Digital 2020 Season, heard by Mike Wheeler
Classical music news. Obituary - Raymond Leppard (1927-2019)
Classical music news. Obituary - Alejandro Planchart (1935-2019)
CD Spotlight. Music Archaeology - Music played on the 'Aulos', heard by Gerald Fenech. '... this unique and exciting project is now at its consummation ...'
CD Spotlight. Material Traces - Very early music from Scandinavia, heard by Gerald Fenech. '... a highly innovative undertaking which may not be everybody's cup of tea, but for those who have a flair for adventure this programme will definitely enthrall.'
CD Spotlight. A Treasure Trove - Music for Palaeolithic bone flutes fascinates Gerald Fenech. '... the oldest evidence of musical creation anywhere in the world.'
CD Spotlight. Splice the Mainbrace - Red Priest's 'Pirates of the Baroque', heard by the late Howard Smith. 'The foursome are outrageous, hugely entertaining, and Red Priest take no prisoners.'
CD Spotlight. Sumptuous Beauty - Choral music by Pierre de Manchicourt, heard by Gerald Fenech. 'David Shuler and his choristers deliver performances of outstanding clarity and precision ...'
CD Spotlight. Fresh and Appealing - The Christmas Story by Heinrich Schütz impresses Gerald Fenech. '... lusciously presented ...'
CD Spotlight. Rare Emotional Content - Sacred music by Gaetano Veneziano, highly recommended by Gerald Fenech. '... this music took me completely by surprise ...'
CD Spotlight. Consummate Skill - William Christie's Les Arts Florissants, heard by Gerald Fenech. '... each piece comes to life with inimitable charm and grace.'
CD Spotlight. Incredible Musicianship - Ancient Scottish Highland music, recommended by Gerald Fenech. 'Although not for the faint hearted, the rewards are great ...'
CD Spotlight. Thoroughly Captivating - Seventeenth century Italian solo sonatas, admired by the late Howard Smith. '... Caudle's irreproachable grasp ... invites admiration throughout ...'
Ensemble. Effective Contrast - Cipriano de Rore and Hubert Parry from the Derwent Singers, heard by Mike Wheeler
Ensemble. Bit of Rough? - Belinda Sykes and Joglaresa in Nottingham, enjoyed by Mike Wheeler
CD Spotlight. Eminently Successful - Reconstructed music from the Celtic church, heard by Paul Sarcich. '... immaculate in execution ...'
CD Spotlight. Great Beauty - Music by Étienne Moulinié, heard by Gerald Fenech. 'The members of Ensemble Correspondances have these pieces under their skin ...'
CD Spotlight. Christmas Lambswool? - Shepherds' noels from the Marian Consort, recommended by Keith Bramich. '... a rather wonderful spin-off ...'
CD Spotlight. First Rate - Harp music from early baroque Naples, recommended by Gerald Fenech. 'Margret Köll's performances have an ethereal aura ...'
CD Spotlight. Unequalled Refinement - Music by Marin Marais, heard by Gerald Fenech. 'Another triumph for Savall's seemingly inexhaustible musical genius.'
CD Spotlight. Refined Balance - Purcell sonatas, recommended by Gerald Fenech. '... irrepressibly elegant and restrained.'
CD Spotlight. Inner Essence - Estonian folk hymns and runic songs, heard by Howard Smith. '... enduring, limitless appeal.'
Ensemble. Soothing the Barons - Eleventh to fifteenth century vocal and instrumental music from Fleurs de Lys, enjoyed by Keith Bramich
Ensemble. Spine-Tingling - Monteverdi's Vespers of 1610 in Derby Cathedral, heard by Mike Wheeler
CD Spotlight. Riveting Stuff - Spanish early music in the new world, heard by Gerald Fenech. 'All thirty tracks have a charm of their own ...'
CD Spotlight. Shimmering Performances - Jean Richafort's Requiem, heard by Gerald Fenech. '... worthy of the most scrupulous investigation.'
CD Spotlight. Verbal Grovelling - Vocal music by Christopher Tye, heard by Robert Anderson. '... sensitively interpreted by the Westminster Abbey Choir and James O'Donnell.'
Ensemble. Expressive Power - Malcolm Miller listens to The Sixteen's 'The Earth Resounds'
CD Spotlight. Fascinating Music - Works from the Eton Choirbook, heard by Robert Anderson. '... vibrant and alive.'
CD Spotlight. Apt Comment - Music following the career of Joan of Arc, heard by Robert Anderson. '... a finely presented musical book.'
CD Spotlight. Intricate Calm - Music by Christopher Gibbons, heard by Robert Anderson. '... fine music-making ...'
CD Spotlight. Splendour Enough - Italian multi-voiced music, heard by Robert Anderson. 'Niquet's team ... has done Striggio and his companions proud.'
CD Spotlight. Beautifully Presented - Christmas vocal pieces, heard by Patric Standford. '... lively readings ...'
CD Spotlight. Imitative Textures - Choral music by Giaches de Wert, heard by Robert Anderson. 'The singing is of the standard King's College effortlessly produces.'
CD Spotlight. Glorious Eroticism - Vocal music by Lassus, impresses Patric Standford. '... an impressive recording, beautifully sung ...'
CD Spotlight. Great Fluency - Music by Pierre Moulu, heard by George Balcombe. '... magically moving individual lines and harmonies.'
CD Spotlight. Great Purity - Performances by Deborah Roberts and friends, heard by Patric Standford. '... a recording to be treasured ...'
Ensemble. Top Class Musicianship - Roderic Dunnett visits Gloucester for the 2010 Three Choirs Festival
CD Spotlight. Chicago Baroque - Trio Settecento's A German Bouquet, recommended by Malcolm Tattersall. '... very fine performances of some rarely heard but attractive music ...'
Ensemble. Sparks Really Flew - Mike Wheeler listens to the Denner Ensemble
CD Spotlight. Robust and Spirited - James Tibbles plays J S Bach, heard by Howard Smith. '... worthy of widespread international recognition.'
CD Spotlight. Splendidly Performed - Baroque music for cello, recommended by Howard Smith. 'An exemplary CD ...'
CD Spotlight. Sacrificing the 'unmodern' - Music by Julius Röntgen and Per Nørgård, heard by George Balcombe. 'How could any audience resist ... ?'
Ensemble. Sing ye to the Lord - Roderic Dunnett was at the 2009 Hereford Three Choirs Festival
CD Spotlight. Diversely Experienced - Music for bassoon, harpsichord and double bass, impresses Howard Smith. '... an outright "tour de force".'
Record box. Wilby's reconstruction - Daniel Hope plays Mozart, reviewed by Howard Smith
Editorial musings with Basil Ramsey - An eager response. Some editorial thoughts requiring readers' follow-ups
Editorial musings with Basil Ramsey - Walking wounded
Editorial musings with Basil Ramsey. The right notes - Recalling the rigours of musical accuracy
Editorial musings with Basil Ramsey. From Wagner to Bach - A long journey in performance practice
Editorial musings with Basil Ramsey. Ancient and modern - Preparing to be absurd.
Editorial musings with Basil Ramsey - Time machine
David James in conversation with Shirley Ratcliffe - The Journey to Mnemosyne