DISCUSSION: John Dante Prevedini leads a discussion about Improvisation in the classical world and beyond, including contributions from David Arditti, James Lewitzke, James Ross and Steve Vasta.
SPONSORED: Profile. A Gold Mine - Roderic Dunnett visits Birmingham to talk to John Joubert.
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Born in Florence on 28 November 1632 but a nationalised Frenchman by 1661, Jean-Baptiste Lully climbed the ladder of success until 1662 when he attained title as 'music master to the Royal Family'. He turned to opera, which he developed and made popular. His own total of 20 operas is proof enough. He died in Paris on 22 March 1687.
Spotlight. Virtuosic Flair - Gerald Fenech recommends dance music played by Daniel Hope and the Zurich Chamber Orchestra. 'Daniel Hope's fiddle-playing is just phenomenal ...'
CD Spotlight. Jupiter's Thunderbolt - Lully's Phaéton, enjoyed by Robert Anderson. '... brimful of the most varied enchantments.'
DVD Spotlight. A Disparate Experiment - 'Aria - Special Edition', reviewed by Howard Smith. 'You never know what you're gonna get.'
CD Spotlight. Sheer Delight - Table music by Biber, recommended by Patric Standford. '... a superb and sensitive performance ...'
Making a Real Fuss - Robert Hugill looks forward to English Touring Opera's HandelFest this autumn
CD Spotlight. Full of Delights - Handel's 'Parnasso in Festa', recommended by Robert Hugill. '... some truly superb Handel singing (and playing) ...'
CD Spotlight. Respect and Understanding - A CD celebrating 300 years of Charpentier, reviewed by Peter Howell. 'The performance is excellent throughout.'
Second sight - Music with Wilfrid Mellers - The Sun King - Lully's musical homage