DISCUSSION: Composers Daniel Schorno and John Dante Prevedini discuss creativity, innovation and re-invention with Maria Nockin, Mary Mogil, Giuseppe Pennisi and Roderic Dunnett.
Choir Music of the World
SWR19100CD (SWR Classic, CD, 9 discs)
COMPILATION (19 June 2020)
Playing time: 77'33"/62'09"/71'54"/76'40"/57'36"/71'46"/70'09"/67'59"/71'22"
Tracks: 14 + 14 + 16 + 12 + 17 + 23 + 20 + 14 + 14
Booklet pages: 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 24 + 28 + 28 + 24 + 24
© 2005-2019 SWR Media Services GmbH, 2020 Naxos Deutschland Musik & Video Vertriebs-GmbH
Main country of recording: DE
Country of manufacture: DE
Sent to a reviewer on 16 July 2020
Listen: Bernstein: Gloria (Missa Brevis) CD1 track 9, 0:00-0:45)
SWR Vokalensemble
Marcus Creed, conductor
CD1 - America
Aaron Copland:
Four Motets
1 Help Us, O Lord
2 Thou, O Jehovah, Abideth Forever
3 Have Mercy on Us, O My Lord
4 Sing Ye Praises to Our King
Steve Reich:
5 Proverb
John Cage:
6 Five
Morton Feldman:
7 The Rothko Chapel
Leonard Bernstein:
Missa Brevis (1988):
8 Kyrie
9 Gloria
10 Sanctus
11 Benedictus
12 Agnus Dei
13 Dona Nobis Pacem
Samuel Barber:
14 A Stopwatch and an Ordnance Map
CD2 - Russia
Alfred Schnittke:
Drei geistliche Gesänge
1 Lied der Heiligen Gottesmutter
2 Jesusgebet
3 Vater unser
Sergei Rachmaninov:
4 O Theodokos, immer wachend im Gebet - Geistliches Konzert für Chor a cappella
Sofia Gubaidulina:
Hommage an Marina Zwetajewa - Suite für gemischten Chor a cappella in 5 Sätzen
5 Unter den Wellen
6 Pferd
7 Alle Herrlichkeit
8 Zwischenspiel
9 Ein Garten
Sergei Ivanovitch Taneyev:
from Chöre nach Jacob Polonski Op 27
10 Sterne
11 Überm Berg zwei grimme Wolken
12 Sieh, wenn auf's verschlaf'ne Meer
Mikhail Glinka:
13 Cherubim-Hymnus for 6 voices a cappella
Peter Tchaikovsky:
14 Cherubim-Hymnus (from Liturgie des hl Chrysostomos)
CD3 - Italia
Giuseppe Verdi:
1 Ave Maria
2 Laudi alla Vergine Maria
Giacinto Celsi:
3 Yliam
Giuseppe Verdi:
4 Pater noster
Luigi Nono:
5 Sarà dolce tacere
Ildebrando Pizzetti:
Tre composizioni corali
6 Cade la sera
7 Ululate
8 Recordare, Domine
Giacinto Celsi:
9 I
10 II
11 III
Goffredo Petrassi:
12 C'era una signorina
13 C'era un vecchio musicale
14 C'era un vecchio di Rovigo
15 C'era una signorina di Pozzillo
16 C'era una vecchia di Polla
CD4 - Great Britain
Peter Maxwell Davies:
1 Corpus Christi with Cat and Mouse for mixed choir a cappella (1993)
James MacMillan:
2 Alleluia for thirteen part choir a cappella (2013)
Jonathan Harvey:
3 How could the soul not take flight for double choir (1996)
John Tavener:
4 Schuon Hymnen (2003)
Benjamin Britten:
Sacred and profane - eight medieval lyrics for mixed choir a cappella
5 St Godric's Hymn
6 I mon waxe wod
7 Lenten is come
8 The long night
9 Yif ic of luve can
10 Carol
11 Ye that pasen by
12 A Death
CD5 - Polska
Karol Szymanowski:
Six Kurpian Songs for mixed choir a cappella
1 Hey, my oxen
2 Who is that knocking?
3 May Jesus Christ be praised
4 Whip on the horse
5 Deck yourself, my lass
6 Master musician, please play a waltz
Krzysztof Penderecki:
7 Veni, creator spiritus for mixed choir a cappella
Roman Haubenstock-Ramati:
8 Madrigal for choir a cappella
Krzysztof Penderecki:
9 Cherubic Hymn for mixed choir a cappella
Henryk Mikołaj Górecki
Five Kurpian songs for mixed choir a cappella
10 Hey, down the hill, down the hill!
11 Dark is the night, how dark
12 Yesterday, my dear, not today
13 I am a farm-hand from Toruń
14 The storm is coming, it will rain
Witold Lutosławski:
Ten Polish Folk Songs on Soldier Themes (excerpts)
15 A black field near Cracow
16 Where are you going, Jack?
17 I broke the guelder rose
CD6 - Finland
Jean Sibelius:
1 Rakastava (1893/1912)
Kaija Saariaho:
Nuits adieux (1991/96) for mixed choir and four soloists a cappella
2 Nuit I
3 Adieu I
4 Nuit II
5 Adieu II
6 Nuit III
7 Nuit IV
8 Nuit V
9 Adieux III-IV
Riikka Talvitie
10 Kuun Kirje for mixed choir a cappella (2003)
Einojuhani Rautavaara:
11 Canticum Mariae virginis (1978)
Jukka Linkola:
Mieliteko for mixed choir a cappella (1999)
12 Mieliteko
13 PunaPaula
14 Lintu
15 Jäniksen Joulu
16 Iltalaulu
Einojuhani Rautavaara:
Canción de nuestro tiempo - from texts by Federico García Lorca for mixed choir (1993)
17 Fragmentos de Agonia
18 Méditatión primera y última
19 Ciudad sin sueño (Nocturno del Sarajevo)
Orpheus singt - three sonnets by Rainer Maria Rilke for mixed choir a cappella (2016)
20 Da stieg ein Baum ...
21 Und fast ein Mädchen wars ...
22 Ein Gott vermags
Jean Sibelius:
23 Finlandia, Op 26 No 7 for mixed choir a cappella
CD7 - France
Francis Poulenc:
Un soir de neige - Petite cantate de chambre pour chœur a cappella (texte: Paul Éluard)
1 De grandes cuillers de neige ...
2 La bonne neige ...
3 Bois meurtri ...
4 La nuit de froid la solitude ...
Claude Debussy:
Trois Chansons
5 Dieu, qu'il fait bon regarder
6 Quant j'ai ouy le tabourin
7 Yver, vous n'estes qu'un villain
Darius Milhaud:
Naissance de Vénus - pour chœurs mixtes a cappella (texte: Jules Supervielle)
8 Les Heures
9 Vénus
10 Le Vent
11 Les Heures
André Jolivet:
Épithalame pour orchestre vocal à douze parties
12 Moderato
13 Allegretto semplice
14 Allegro maestoso
Francis Poulenc:
Quatre Petites Prières de Saint François d'Assise pour chœur d'hommes a cappella
15 Salut, Dame sainte
16 Tout puissant
17 Seigneur, je vous en prie
18 Ô mes très cheres frères
Olivier Messiaen:
19 O sacrum convivium! - Motet au Saint-Sacrement pour chœur à quatre voix mixtes
Georges Aperghis:
20 Die Stellung der Zahlen pour chœur mixte (from Wölfli-Kantata)
CD8 - Japan
Toshio Hosokawa:
1 Die Lotosblume - for mixed chorus and percussion
Tōru Takemitsu:
Wind Horse
2 Vocalise 1 for female choir
3 Spell of Fingers for female choir
4 Vocalise 2 for male choir
5 Vocalise 3 for mixed choir
6 Legend of the dining table for male choir - coda for mixed choir
Michio Mamiya:
Composition for Chorus No 1 for mixed chorus a cappella
7 I
8 II
10 IV
Tōru Takemitsu:
from Songs II
11 Cherry Blossoms
12 Wings
Jō Kondō:
13 Motet under the rose for twelve voices
Tōru Takemitsu:
from Songs I
14 Small Sky
CD9 - Baltikum
Maija Einfelde:
Three Poems by Fricis Barda for mixed choir
1 Evening
2 Prayer
3 Heaven
Rytis Mazulis:
4 Canon solus for four equal voices
Pēteris Vasks:
Litene - ballad for mixed choir in 12 voices
5 I
6 II
Veljo Tormis:
Two songs after Ernst Enno for mixed choir a cappella
7 Fairy-tale of the Young Summer
8 Barely audible somewhere the home country is calling
Andris Dzenitis:
Four Madrigals by e e cummings (2006)
9 unmeaning
10 i carry your heart
11 may i ...
12 who are you? (for 8 voices)
Juste Janulyte
13 Plonge - for cello and 12 voices
Arvo Pärt:
14 And I heard a voice ... for mixed choir a cappella