VIDEO PODCAST: John Dante Prevedini leads a discussion about Classical Music and Artificial Intelligence, including contributions from George Coulouris, Michael Stephen Brown, April Fredrick, Adrian Rumson and David Rain.
SPONSORED: CD Spotlight. Masterful Handling - Volume 3 of James Brawn's Beethoven, praised by Andrew Schartmann.
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Classical music news. Grapes come before Music? - This year's Huntington Estate Music Festival has been billed as the last
Ensemble. Especially Successful - Gillian Wills reports from the Australian Fesival of Chamber Music
CD Spotlight. Melodic Felicity - Salon music by Katharine Parker, reviewed by Robert Hugill. 'Edwards has a lovely soprano voice ...'
Ensemble. A tropical farewell - Malcolm Tattersall sends a final report from the Australian Festival of Chamber Music
Ensemble. Sea and sky - More from the Australian Festival of Chamber Music, reviewed by Malcolm Tattersall