RESOUNDING ECHOES: From August 2022, Robert McCarney's regular series features little-known twentieth century classical composers.
LISTENING TO TCHAIKOVSKY: Béla Hartmann uses his knowledge of Eastern Europe to argue against the banning of all Russian culture following Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine.
Ensemble. Not To Be Missed - Giuseppe Pennisi reports from a performance of Vivaldi's pastiche 'Tamerlano'
Ensemble. Lucid Sense - Handel's 'Tamerlano' at Buxton, enjoyed by Mike Wheeler
Ensemble. Achingly Beautiful - Vivaldi's 'La verità in cimento' at Garsington Opera, reviewed by Roderic Dunnett
Ensemble. Wholly Serious - Handel's 'Tamerlano' at Covent Garden, reviewed by Robert Hugill
DVD Spotlight. Tragic Power - Handel's 'Tamerlano', reviewed by Robert Anderson. 'The simplicity of the production is welcome ...'
Ensemble. Excellent Singing - Handel and Rossini from Los Angeles Opera impress Maria Nockin
Ensemble. An Enthralling Performance - Robert Hugill reviews Handel's 'Flavio'
Making a Real Fuss - Robert Hugill looks forward to English Touring Opera's HandelFest this autumn
Ensemble. Imaginatively Programmed - Handel arias from the Classical Opera Company, enjoyed by Robert Hugill
CD Spotlight. Tonal beauty - The first recording of Vivaldi's 'Bajazet', appreciated by Maria Nockin. '... absolutely stunning.'
Ensemble. Handel's first night thoughts - Robert Hugill was at the Cambridge Handel Opera Group's 'Tamerlano'
CD Spotlight. Breach of conventions? - Handel's opera 'Tamerlano' in a new recording investigated by Peter Dale. '... absolutely convincing ...'