ROMANTICISM: Explore the late George Colerick's fascinating series of articles encroaching on the subjects of melody, romanticism, operetta and humour in music.
VIDEO PODCAST: Women Composers - Our special hour-long illustrated feature on women composers includes contributions from Diana Ambache, Gail Wein, Hilary Tann, Natalie Artemas-Polak and Victoria Bond.
RESOUNDING ECHOES: From August 2022, Robert McCarney's regular series features little-known twentieth century classical composers.
CD Spotlight. The Syntax of Worlds - John Dante Prevedini listens to music by American composer Pierre Jalbert. '... Jalbert ... implies a novel dimension of meaning by presenting distinct sonic universes in a syntactically suggestive sequence.'
CD Spotlight. Interesting and Varied - New music from Apollo Chamber Players, heard by Geoff Pearce. 'The performances are committed and enjoyable.'
CD Spotlight. Beautifully Played - Castelnuovo-Tedesco's Cello Concerto, heard by Alice McVeigh. 'Brinton maintains a clear, sonorous and resonant sound even in the highest register, though he could perhaps have been willing to take a few more risks.'
CD Spotlight. Interesting Listening - Modern American orchestral music, heard by Patric Standford. '... highly imaginative elements ...'
Profile. Finding the Right Voice - Maria Nockin talks to American composer Daniel Catán
CD Spotlight. Utmost Clarity - William Appling plays Joplin and Bach, heard by Howard Smith. '... consistently four square, honest, unpretentious ...'
Ensemble. Excellent Singing - Handel and Rossini from Los Angeles Opera impress Maria Nockin
CD Spotlight. Textures which suit - Music for flute, clarinet and piano, reviewed by Malcolm Tattersall. '... unusual, enjoyable ...'
CD Spotlight - Piano masterpieces. '... these performances are as compelling as they are touching.' A recital by the young Texan pianist Roger Wright, by John Bell Young