Missy Mazzoli

American composer, pianist and teacher Missy Mazzoli was born in Lansdale, Pennsylvania on 27 October 1980. She studied at Boston University's College of Fine Arts, Yale and at the Royal Conservatory of the Hague in the Netherlands. Her teachers included Louis Andriessen, Martin Bresnick, John Harbison, Aaron Jay Kernis, David Lang and Martijn Padding.

Her output includes four operas, orchestral and chamber music, and has been performed and recorded internationally by many high profile artists and groups.

More information: missymazzoli.com


A selection of articles about Missy Mazzoli

Classical music news. August 2023 Newsletter - Watch and listen to our August 2023 one hour video newsletter - The Creative Spark

Ensemble. Thoroughly Collegial - Mike Wheeler listens to Missy Mazzolli, Brahms and Beethoven from James Ehnes and the London Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Kevin John Edusei

CD Spotlight. Out of the Ordinary - Eighth Blackbird's 'Meanwhile', heard by the late Howard Smith. '... an ear-catching feather in Cedille's musical cap.'

CD Spotlight. Interpretative Compass - Jennifer Koh plays Bach and more, heard by Howard Smith. '... divine, finely-spun tone ...'