UPDATES: There's a new feature every day at Classical Music Daily. Read about the various ways we can keep in touch with you about what's happening here.
Classical music news. August 2023 Newsletter - Watch and listen to our August 2023 one hour video newsletter - The Creative Spark
CD Spotlight. Formidable Hurdles - Music by George Rochberg, heard by Howard Smith. '... an eloquent performance, effectively recorded.'
Thank You Mama - Bill Newman talks to pianist Igor Tchetuev
CD Spotlight. Focus on Loneliness - Music by Lera Auerbach and Shostakovich, reviewed by Howard Smith. '... unfailing virtuosity.'
Ensemble. Tanglewood and Beyond - The sounds of summer in the Berkshires, reviewed by Lawrence Budmen
Ensemble. A week to remember - David Wilkins' reflections on the opening week of the 30th International Istanbul Music Festival