SPONSORED: CD Spotlight. Masterful Handling - Volume 3 of James Brawn's Beethoven, praised by Andrew Schartmann.
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The American composer and educator Howard Hanson was born at Wahoo, Nebraska, on 28 October 1896. For many years director of the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, New York, and later of the Institute of American Music, he gave endless encouragement to other composers. His own music was romantic in essence and he was known as 'the American Sibelius'. He died at Rochester, New York on 26 February 1981.
CD Spotlight. Much Élan - Music by Gershwin, heard by Robert Anderson. 'Eugene List is a brilliant and idiomatic keyboard soloist ...'
CD Spotlight. Deeply Reflective - Symphonies by Howard Hanson, recommended by Gerald Fenech. 'The recordings are excellent on all counts ...'
CD Spotlight. Intuitive Skill - Orchestral music by Howard Hanson, recommended by Howard Smith. '... Schwarz ... is second to none.'
Planning your collection - Hanson -