VIDEO PODCAST: John Dante Prevedini leads a discussion about Youth Involvement in Classical Music - this specially extended illustrated feature includes contributions from Christopher Morley, Gerald Fenech, Halida Dinova, Patricia Spencer and Roderic Dunnett.
SPONSORED: CD Spotlight. Masterful Handling - Volume 3 of James Brawn's Beethoven, praised by Andrew Schartmann.
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DISCUSSION: John Dante Prevedini leads a discussion about Improvisation in the classical world and beyond, including contributions from David Arditti, James Lewitzke, James Ross and Steve Vasta.
Nervus Vagus
[nervusvagus] (Gintas K, CD)
NEW RELEASE (31 October 2021)
Playing time: 60'00"
Tracks: 13
Booklet pages: 0
℗ 2021 Gintas Kraptavičius
© 2021 Gintas Kraptavičius
Main country of recording: Lithuania
Reviewer: Geoff Pearce
Review of Nervus Vagus published on 17 November 2021
Gintas K (Gintas Kraptavičius, born 1969)
Nervus Vagus (2020)
1 Beginning. Laughter
2 Rising
3 Tartu story
4 Keep walking
5 Paštys story
6 Saulė fairy tale about dogs, piglets & a wolf
7 A dream. Relatives story
8 Marytė story
9 Art story
10 Nervus vagus last point
11 Antanas story. Finish
12 + all we are
13 + toys story
Recorded in May 2021
'Nervus vagus' is an electroacoustic music work that consists of stretched granular motives during the entire piece. They are mixed with voices and stories told by people of different ages and gender. Stories blossom out of humorous fairytales told by a five year old child, stories about death, narrations of mindfulness, stories about the consequences of WW2, deportation during the Stalin regime and life in Siberia. Voices along with granules become twitching sonic tissues as neurons connect each other, as Nervus Vagus (wandering), which surrounds and connects entire human body.