VIDEO PODCAST: Come and meet Eric Fraad of Heresy Records, Kenneth Woods, musical director of Colorado MahlerFest and the English Symphony Orchestra and others.
CD Spotlight. Gentle Passions - Music by John Jeffreys, heard by Patric Standford. '... beautifully paced ...'
Ensemble. A Double Farewell - Henze and Mahler in Rome, reported by Giuseppe Pennisi
DVD Spotlight. Malignant Fate - Donizetti's 'Maria Stuarda', recommended by Robert Anderson. '... wonderfully alert ...'
Ensemble. A Bold Piece - Jonathan Dove's 'Swanhunter', reviewed by Patric Standford
A Model of Clarity - A new score of Elgar's 'Mina', appraised by Robert Anderson
Ask Alice - The truth about bishops and priests, with classical music agony aunt Alice McVeigh
Ensemble. A Different Sort of Beauty - Janácek's 'The Cunning Little Vixen', reviewed by Robert Hugill
Ask Alice - From heaven to hell, damnation to dalmatians, and on the dumbing down of classical music, with Agony Aunt Alice McVeigh
Taming the lion - Jabez Dolotz talks to British conductor Sir Henry Collard-Barker about experiences in and out of the concert hall
Canine choreography - An Austrian music professor goes to the dogs, by Tess Crebbin
CD Spotlight. A unique achievement - EMI's golden years of the gramophone, reviewed by Robert Anderson. '... total fascination ...'
Ask Alice - On viola jokes and the eating of dogs, with classical music's agony aunt, Alice McVeigh