
KEITH BRAMICH invites you to add classical music festivals to our online listings


Last year we created this page specifically listing forthcoming classical music festivals. We're currently adding 2019 festivals to this page. In addition to festivals, the page lists masterclasses, music courses and competitions. Coming up shortly, for example, is the Valletta International Baroque Festival (11-26 January) in Malta. Established in 2013 and held every year in January, this is one of Malta's biggest festivals. Concerts and opera performances take place in several of Valletta's baroque buildings, and the festival is organised by the Manoel Theatre. In 2017 the Inspired by Baroque theme expanded the festival's remit to contemporary music.

Promotional image for the seventh Valletta International Baroque Festival
Promotional image for the seventh Valletta International Baroque Festival

Another interesting festival this month takes place at the Rajarani Temple Complex, Bhubaneswar in Odissa (or Orissa), eastern India. The three-day Rajarani Music Festival (18-20 January 2019) features various different kinds of Indian classical music, and is being webcast here by the National Infomatics Service of the Government of India.

The Rajarani Temple Complex in Bhubaneswar, capital city of Odissa, venue for the Rajarani Music Festival. Photo: Amartyabag (Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0)
The Rajarani Temple Complex in Bhubaneswar, capital city of Odissa, venue for the Rajarani Music Festival. Photo: Amartyabag (Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0)

Here is another New Year request from me. Many more interesting festivals worldwide are appearing on our festivals page. If you organise an event which you think should be but isn't yet listed on this page, or you know someone who runs something, or of something which happens locally to you, then please complete the form here or drop us a line. The 'reward' for doing this is that the event you add will appear on our homepage whilst the festival is on, it will be listed on the festivals page linked above, and it may get featured in a forthcoming 2019 Festivals feature in our monthly newsletter. It will also be listed on the cadenza.org website which shares our festival and concert listings database, and it may also feature on various other websites, depending on the location.

You can add individual concerts, opera performances and other events too, but they'll be listed in our forthcoming concerts section rather than on the festivals page.

Incidentally, the background image on this page is taken from a photo taken at the Spoleto Festival (Festival dei Due Mondi) in Italy by our reviewer, the late Bill Newman, who interviewed the festival's founder, Gian Carlo Menotti.

Copyright © 6 January 2019 Keith Bramich,
London UK


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