SPONSORED: Ensemble. A view from the pit - John Joubert's Jane Eyre, praised by Alice McVeigh.
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Ensemble. Unimpeachable Sensitivity - Mike Wheeler listens to Walton, Ravel, Gershwin and Debussy from John Wilson and the Sinfonia of London
CD Spotlight. A Great Pairing - Geoff Pearce listens to orchestral works by Debussy. 'This recording will be one that delights you again and again.'
Ensemble. Real Emotions - Two concerts in Salzburg impress Giuseppe Pennisi
Impressionism and Symbolism - Debussy, by Eric Jensen, read by Robert Anderson
Ensemble. Brisk Ebullience - Lawrence Budmen sends a second report from this summer's Tanglewood Festival
CD Spotlight. Consistently Refined - Debussy transcriptions, reviewed by Howard Smith. '... these alternatives are never less than striking ...'
CD Spotlight. Pride of Place - Piano music by Frank Bridge, praised by Howard Smith. 'A standing ovation for Mark Bebbington ...'
CD Spotlight. Often ravishing - Music by Debussy, Prokofiev, Britten and Ravel, reviewed by Robert Anderson. '... admirably encompassed ...'