A selection of 'Pesaro' articles

Classical music news. Rossini Opera Festival 2025 - Details of next summer's festival, based at Pesaro in Italy, were announced in December, including two new productions and three cantatas

Classical music news. Punkt Kontrapunkt - A selection of forthcoming performances

Classical music news - Rossini Opera Festival - The programme for next year's Rossini Opera Festival in Pesaro is announced during this year's festival

Ensemble. A Family Portrait in Hell - Giuseppe Pennisi experiences an excellent 'Otello' at the Rossini Opera Festival

Ensemble. An Opera in Need of a Haircut - Giuseppe Pennisi reports on the Rossini Opera Festival's second production of 'La gazzetta'

Ensemble. Unabashedly Erotic - The Rossini Opera Festival begins with a new production of 'Le Comte Ory', reviewed by Giuseppe Pennisi

Ensemble. Regietheater at the Rossini Opera Festival - Giuseppe Pennisi discusses recent performances of 'Il Signor Bruschino' and 'Elisabetta, Regina d'Inghilterra'

Ensemble. A Great Rossini Opera Festival Opening - Giuseppe Pennisi reviews 'Moïse et Pharaon'

Ensemble. ROF is Back and in Good Spirits - Giuseppe Pennisi reports on 'Il barbiere di Siviglia' and the Rossini Opera Festival's current performances

Ensemble. The Belcanto Concerts - Giuseppe Pennisi sends his last report from this year's Rossini Opera Festival in Pesaro

Ensemble. Rossini's Last Sin - Giuseppe Pennisi attends a very special performance at the Rossini Opera Festival in Pesaro

Ensemble. Promised in Marriage - Giuseppe Pennisi reports from the Rossini Opera Festival in Pesaro

With Great Caution - Giuseppe Pennisi reports on the gradual reopening of Italian Summer Festivals

Ensemble. Young Rossini's 'Comedy for Adults' - Giuseppe Pennisi sends his final report from Pesaro

Ensemble. Rossini's Adolescent Opera - Giuseppe Pennisi reports from Pesaro on 'Demetrio e Polibio'

Ensemble. Sex and Power in Pesaro - Giuseppe Pennisi reports on a new production of 'Semiramide' at the Rossini Opera Festival

Classical music news. ROF at Forty - Giuseppe Pennisi looks forward to the Rossini Opera Festival, 11-23 August 2019, and explains why investing in Rossini can be profitable

Of Major International Interest - Giuseppe Pennisi looks forward to a summer of opera in Italy

Ensemble. An Overwhelming Success - Pier Luigi Pizzi's new 'Barber of Seville' enthralls the Rossini Opera Festival, by Giuseppe Pennisi

Ensemble. Sparkling Wine and Wedding Cake - Rossini's 'Adina' in Pesaro, enjoyed by Giuseppe Pennisi

Ensemble. A Lukewarm Reception - 'Ricciardo e Zoriade' at the Rossini Opera Festival, heard by Giuseppe Pennisi

Ensemble. Opera Philology - Rossini's 'Torvaldo e Dorliska', reviewed by Giuseppe Pennisi

Ensemble. High Society Two Centuries Ago - Giuseppe Pennisi comments on Rossini's 'La Pietra di Paragone' in Pesaro

Ensemble. Third Time Lucky - Giuseppe Pennisi reports on the first performance of the original version of Rossini's 'Siege of Corinth'

Ensemble. Rossini on a Movie Set - 'Il Turco in Italia' and 'Ciro in Babilonia' at the Rossini Opera Festival, reviewed by Giuseppe Pennisi

Ensemble. An Engrossing Idea - Giuseppe Pennisi visits the Rossini Opera Festival in Pesaro for an original and moving 'La Donna del Lago'

Ensemble. Semi-serious Rossini - Giuseppe Pennisi visits the Rossini Opera Festival in Pesaro

Ensemble. Sorrows of Young Rossini - Giuseppe Pennisi sends a second report from the 2014 Rossini Opera Festival

Ensemble. Avant-garde and Fun - 'The Barber of Seville' at the Rossini Opera Festival, enjoyed by Giuseppe Pennisi

Ensemble. Good Music makes Good Money - Giuseppe Pennisi was at the 2013 Rossini Opera Festival

DVD Spotlight. A Real Achievement - Gioacchino Rossini's 'Adelaide di Borgogna', recommended by Robert Anderson. '... the Bologna singers and players ... respond finely to every nuance ...'

DVD Spotlight. Heartfelt Agitation - Rossini's 'Mosè in Egitto', reviewed by Robert Anderson. 'Musically all is well ...'

Ensemble. Sex and Bigotry - Giuseppe Pennisi reports on his week at the Rossini Opera Festival

Ensemble. Patriot and Terrorist? - New aspects of Rossini brought to light at the 2011 Rossini Opera Festival in Pesaro, discussed by Giuseppe Pennisi

DVD Spotlight. Wonderfully Resourceful - Rossini's 'Il Turco in Italia', reviewed by Robert Anderson. 'The orchestra under Antonello Allemandi seem to have relished the evening as much as I did.'

Ensemble. A Difficult Cocktail - Rossini's 'Moïse et Pharaon', assessed by Giuseppe Pennisi

Ensemble. First Class - The new Palermo production of Rossini's 'The Barber of Seville', a casual worker in Almodóvar's Seville, recommended by Giuseppe Pennisi

Ensemble. Rough and Shining Jewels - Giuseppe Pennisi visits the 2010 Rossini Opera Festival

Ensemble. A Superb Cast - Rossini's 'Mathilde de Shabran' at Covent Garden, reviewed by Robert Hugill

Ensemble. Youthful comedies - David Wilkins visits the Rossini Opera Festival in Pesaro, Italy