'Music was the prism through which he saw the world.' - Eve Epstein-Burian, of her father, the American composer, conductor, researcher, author and teacher David Mayer Epstein.
David M Epstein was born in New York on 3 October 1930.
Epstein received an award from the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers for Shaping Time: Music, the Brain and Performance, a literary spin-off from his research into music and the brain in Germany and in California, USA. As a founder of the New York Youth Symphony, he conducted the orchestra's first concert in 1963 at Carnegie Hall, in which seventeen-year-old Itzhak Perlman played. Epstein conducted the orchestra at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he was professor of music, from 1965 until 1998.
David Mayer Epstein died on 15 January 2002, aged seventy-one.