SPONSORED: CD Spotlight. Most Remarkable - Jamaican pianist Orrett Rhoden, heard by Bill Newman.
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Polish composer and violinist Grażyna Bacewicz Biernacka was born in Łódź on 5 February 1909, and initially studied piano and violin with her father. Later she studied composition with Kazimierz Sikorski at the Warsaw Conservatory and then with Nadia Boulanger at the École Normale de Musique in Paris.
She was principal violinist with the Polish Radio Orchestra (1936-1938), where some of her own music was played. During World War II she continued composing in Warsaw and gave secret underground concerts. When the war ended, she became a professor at Łódź State Conservatoire and was able to work full time as a composer from 1954 onwards.
Grażyna Bacewicz died from a heart attack on 17 January 1969, aged fifty-nine.
Spotlight. Some Real Gems - Geoff Pearce will return often to this recording of orchestral music by Grażyna Bacewicz. '... full of invention and surprises ...'
Ensemble. Ear-catching Moments - Mike Wheeler listens to Bomsori Kim, Vasily Petrenko and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
CD Spotlight. Heartachingly Beautiful - Geoff Pearce is impressed by Dudok Quartet Amsterdam's performances of Shostakovich and Bacewicz. '... freshness and vitality ...'
Classical music news. June 2022 Newsletter - Watch and listen to our June 2022 newsletter - a special feature on women composers
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