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Wakkerstroom Music Festival

An annual classical music festival in South Africa begins later this month


The Wakkerstroom Music Festival is a sustainable classical music festival held annually in the Mpumalanga area of South Africa - a popular tourist destination which includes a range of activities including birding, biking and fishing. This year's event runs from 21-24 March 2024. The aim is to showcase exceptional classical music.

With two important exceptions, the WMF is basically a four day chamber music festival, each event featuring between one and four performers and a catchy title such as 'opus fantasia' or 'moonlight meditations'. It provides an inclusive opportunity for young and upcoming artists to share a stage with established performers.

The first exception is 'Piazzolla to Piaf' from The Salon Boys from Pretoria High School - a six boy group, formed ten years ago, with teacher Philip Loots as conductor, performing light classical and international music at concerts and outreach projects at old age homes and at private functions. The group recently toured Jersey.

The second exception is provided by WMF Marimba Ensembles at an event called 'double delight'. The festival's marimba bands are an important feature, provided by young and energetic performers. This work with tuned percussion is also linked to an important element of WMF's vision - its WMF Marimba Ensemble Community Project.

WMF Marimba Ensembles
WMF Marimba Ensembles

Since 2016, Geraldine Castleman in Wakkerstroom and Tammy Botes at Country College in Volksrust have been teaching marimba to local children. In addition to providing them with a useful musical skill and appreciation of music, this is also having the effect of increasing their confidence and social skills and improving their performance in other school subjects.

Other events in this packed four-day schedule feature voice, guitar, piano, flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, violin, cello and double bass. Tickets are now on sale.

Further information:

Posted 9 March 2024 by Keith Bramich



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