William Mathias: Choral Music

William Mathias: Choral Music

8.574162 (Naxos, CD)


Playing time: 71'52"
Tracks: 18
Booklet pages: 6
© 2020 Naxos Rights (Europe) Ltd
Main country of recording: UK
Country of manufacture: DE
Reviewer: Ona Jarmalavičiūtė
Review of William Mathias: Choral Music published on 17 March 2020

Listen: William Mathias: The Pelican Chorus (Learsongs) (track 8, 0:00-0:49)

Hugh Crook, organ (tracks 1 and 9)
Shanna Hart, organ (tracks 2, 3 and 10)
Glen Dempsey, piano (tracks 4-8)
Aïda Lahlou, piano (tracks 4-8)
Marie-Noëlle Kendall, piano (tracks 11-17)
David Ellis, bells (tracks 11-17)
David Ellis, chime bars (track 18)
The Gentlemen of St John's (tracks 11-17)
St John's Voices
Graham Walker, director

William Mathias (1934-1992):

1 A Babe is Born, Op 55 (1971) (text: fifteenth century)

Jesus College Canticles, Op 53 (1970)
2 Magnificat (text: Luke 1: 46:55)
3 Nunc Dimittis (text: Luke 2: 29-32)

Learsongs (1988) (text: Edward Lear)
4 Calico Pie
5 The Owl and the Pussycat
6 The Duck and the Kangaroo
7 Uncle Arly
8 The Pelican Chorus

9 Y nefoedd sydd yn datgan gogoniant Duw (The Heavens Declare the Glory of God) (1988) (text: Psalm 19)

10 Ave verum corpus (1992) (text: fourteenth century, attributed to Pope Innocent VI)

Riddles (1987) (text: The Exeter Book, translated by Kevin Crossley-Holland, and William Mathias)
11 Introduction and I.
12 II.
13 III.
14 IV.
15 V.
16 VI.
17 VII.

18 A May Magnificat, Op 79 No 2 (1978) (text: Gerard Manley Hopkins)

Recorded 22-24 March 2019 at St John's College Chapel, Cambridge, UK