SPONSORED: CD Spotlight. Beautifully Apt - Choral music by Herbert Howells, heard by Robert Anderson.
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CENTRAL ENGLAND: Mike Wheeler's concert reviews from Nottingham and Derbyshire feature high profile artists on the UK circuit - often quite early on their tours.
Following a successful bid by Qatar National Choral Association, supported by Qatar National Tourism Council, Qatar has won the rights to host the World Symposium of Choral Music in 2023. Held once every three years, the International Federation of Choral Music's flagship event is considered the most prestigious non-competitive choral event and will attract 2000-4000 international delegates to the country, reinforcing its position as a hub for cultural events.
Akbar Al Baker, Secretary-General of Qatar National Tourism Council (QNTC) and Qatar Airways Group Chief Executive, commented 'We are delighted to add the World Choral Symposium to the growing list of events coming to Qatar, and are thrilled to be able to showcase our own traditions and cultural offerings. We continue to work towards attracting large-scale events in the Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions (MICE) space, as we continue to diversify and grow our tourism industry.'
In a statement the International Federation of Choral Music (IFCM) said 'The international choral community through the IFCM congratulates Qatar on their winning bid and wishes them every success and support in their preparations for this unique event in 2023. We are looking forward to an exciting exploration of the musical treasures of the Middle East and Central Asia. The Symposium in Qatar provides IFCM and the hosts with the opportunity to create a new network and enhance exchange and cooperation within and beyond this area.'
Every three years since 1987 the World Symposium on Choral Music has brought the finest choirs, conductors, presenters, composers, and choristers from around the globe together to share in a celebration of fine choral singing. The WSCM has been hosted in cities around the globe including Barcelona, Puerto Madryn, Seoul, Copenhagen. Kyoto, Minneapolis, Rotterdam, Sydney, Vancouver, Stockholm, Helsinki, Tallinn and Vienna. In 2020 it will be hosted in Auckland, New Zealand, and in 2023, Doha, Qatar.
QNTC's mission is to firmly establish Qatar on the global map as a place where cultural authenticity meets modernity, and where people of the world come together to experience unique offerings in culture, sports, business and family entertainment.
QNTC's work is guided by the Qatar National Tourism Sector Strategy (QNTSS), which seeks to diversify the country's tourism offering and increase the sector's contribution to Qatar's economy by 2030.
Since launching QNTSS, Qatar has welcomed over 12 million visitors. The economic impact of the tourism sector in Qatar is becoming increasingly visible with 2017 estimates showing a total (direct and indirect) contribution to Qatar's GDP of 6.6%.
The IFCM was founded in 1982 for the purpose of facilitating communication and exchange between choral musicians throughout the world. Through its diverse range of projects and programs since that time, the IFCM is fulfilling its purpose.
In a world that develops more and more sophisticated weapons, that lives with the expansion of terrorism and fear, that disrespects and abuses the environment, choral singing can be one of the most powerful unifying forces between nations. Differences in culture, political and religious ideology, race and language disappear when people sing together.
IFCM was established as an appointment of UNESCO, and is the official representative of choral music on the International Music Council. The International Music Council recognizes that there are perhaps more people in the world participating in choral music than in any other group artistic activity. The IMC also acknowledges that choral musicians need an organization such as IFCM to encourage and facilitate international communication and cooperation.
Posted 13 October 2019 by Chloe Gorman