Beethoven: Christus am Ölberge; Elegischer Gesang
8.573852 (Naxos, CD)
Playing time: 64'07"
Tracks: 18
Booklet pages: 16
© 2019 Naxos Rights (Europe) Ltd
Main country of recording: FI
Country of manufacture: DE
Reviewer: Geoff Pearce
Review of Beethoven: Christus am Ölberge; Elegischer Gesang published on 16 July 2019
Hanna-Leena Haapamäki, soprano (Seraph, tracks 4-8 and 14)
Jussi Myllys, tenor (Jesus, tracks 2, 3, 7-9, 11 and 13-16)
Niklas Spångberg, bass (Peter, tracks 13 and 14)
Chorus Cathedralis Aboensis (tracks 6, 10, 12 and 15-17)
Turku Philharmonic Orchestra
Leif Segerstam, conductor
Ludwig van Beethoven:
Christus am Ölberge, Op 85 (Christ on the Mount of Olives, 1802-3, text by Franz Xaver Huber, 1755-1814)
1 Introduction
2 Recitative: Jehovah! Thou! My Father! (Jesus)
3 Aria: My soul trembles (Jesus)
4 Recitative: Shudder, earth! (Seraph)
5 Aria: Praise the Redeemer's goodness (Seraph)
6 Chorus: O hail to your Redeemer! (Angels, Seraph)
7 Recitative: Dost thou announce, Seraph, with thy lips, the mercy (Jesus, Seraph)
8 Duet: So rest then with all its weight (Jesus, Seraph)
9 Recitative: Welcome, Death (Jesus)
10 Chorus: We saw him (Soldiers)
11 Recitative: Those who would capture me are drawing near (Jesus)
12 Chorus: Here he is, the criminal (Soldiers, Disciples)
13 Recitative: Not unpunished shall be the brave band (Peter, Jesus)
14 Trio: In my veins rage uncontrolled anger and wrath (Peter, Jesus, Seraph)
15 Chorus: Seize the traitor (Soldiers, Disciples, Jesus)
16 Chorus: Worlds sing thanks and praise (Jesus, Angels)
17 Chorus: Praise him, choirs of angels (Angels)
18 Elegischer Gesang, Op 118 (Elegiac Song, circa 1814, text attributed to Ignaz Franz von Castelli, 1781-1862)
Recorded 15-17 May 2017 at Turku Concert Hall, Turku, Finland