SPONSORED: CD Spotlight. True Command - James Brawn plays Bach, Liszt, Musorgsky and Rachmaninov - recommended by Andrew Schartmann.
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Come over to Schober's today and I will sing you a cycle of horrifying songs. I am anxious to know what you will say about them. They have cost me more effort than any of my other songs. - Franz Schubert
As an integral element of the developer's ongoing research into interpretations of arguably the greatest song-cycle ever written, the website diewinterreise.net was recently launched by Iain C Phillips. This site d'hommage to Schubert's Winterreise presents and will maintain a comprehensive and accurate overview of commercially available recordings with timings and relevant data, films, books, online videos, articles, translations, artworks and links to scholastic sources and other websites. In addition, an up-to-date listing of upcoming performances of Winterreise around the globe is available: please feel free to comment and/or contribute with tips and dates.
Autograph manuscript of an aria from Schubert's opera Alfonso und Estrella, parts of which were later used in the song 'Täuschung' from Die Winterreise
Contributions and suggestions are always welcome, essential even. The developer needs your help to make and keep this website the go-to resource for all things Winterreise: be critical, be thorough, but above all - be forthcoming! Do let Iain know what you feel about the website in general, what it could benefit from, anything else you would like to find on such a resource, if you encounter any errors or omissions; in short: get and stay in touch! Please use the contact form on the website or send e-mail to Iain via mail(at)diewinterreise(dot)net.
Please note: the website is very image-rich, so although it has a responsive design, your best viewing experience would be on a desk- or laptop, or a tablet in landscape mode.
Further information: winterreise.online