DISCUSSION: Defining Our Field - what is 'classical music' to us, why are we involved and what can we learn from our differences? Read John Dante Prevedini's essay, watch the panel discussion and make your own comments.
- Resounding Echoes by Robert McCarney - The blood-dimmed tide
- Francisco Feliciano
- February 2023 New Releases - Browse a large selection of new recordings
- Italy
- France
Spanish broadcaster, composer, critic, editor, teacher and writer Tomás Marco Aragón was born on 12 September 1942 in Madrid, where he later studied law, and also violin and composition. At Darmstadt he studied with Theodor W Adorno, Pierre Boulez, Gottfried Michael Koenig, György Ligeti, Bruno Maderna and Karlheinz Stockhausen, and his style is heavily influenced by the Darmstadt school.
He has had a strong influence on Spanish musical life through the various strands of his work.
Echoes of Oblivion by Robert McCarney - Turn that racket down!