Lili Boulanger

French composer Lili Boulanger, whose full name was Marie-Juliette Olga Boulanger, was born in Paris on 21 August 1893 into a family of musicians - her mother was a Russian princess and her father taught at the Conservatoire de Paris. Gabriel Fauré, a family friend, discovered when Boulanger was two years old that she had perfect pitch. Before she was five, she attended classes at the Conservatoire with her ten-year-old sister Nadia Boulanger.

Lili studied organ with Louis Vierne, sang and played cello, harp, piano and violin.

She competed twice for the Prix de Rome. In 1912 she collapsed during her performance due to illness, but in 1913 she became the first female composer to win the composition prize (for the cantata Faust et Hélène).

She studied composition with her sister, then with Paul Vidal, Georges Caussade and Fauré, who was very impressed with Lili.

Lili Boulanger was plagued with chronic illness, from the age of two, and although she travelled to Rome and completed many compositions, she died at only twenty-four, on 15 March 1918 in Mézy-sur-Seine.

A selection of articles about Lili Boulanger

Ensemble. Intelligently Structured and Winningly Executed - Mike Wheeler is impressed by Fenella Humphreys and Martin Roscoe's Buxton Festival recital marking the centenary of the death of Gabriel Fauré

Richly-designed and original - Roderic Dunnett looks forward to the Three Choirs Festival, 27 July - 4 August 2024 in Worcester, UK

Spotlight. A Great Release - Geoff Pearce appreciates Laura van der Heijden and Jâms Coleman's cello and piano recital. '... the performers do not appear to be recorded with microphones too close, which results in realistic blending, and also a feeling of distance, perhaps reflecting the distant and mysterious qualities of the moonlight.'

Spotlight. Highly Individual - Geoff Pearce listens to chamber music by two generations of female composers. '... marvellous unfamiliar music ...'

Ensemble. Bold Choices - Mike Wheeler congratulates Nicky Spence and Joseph Middleton on their Buxton Festival programme

Ensemble. Raw Vitality with Sensitive Lyricism - Mike Wheeler is impressed by Rimsky-Korsakov, Rodrigo, Lili Boulanger and Stravinsky from Sean Shibe, Delyana Lazarova and the Hallé Orchestra

Ensemble. Great Panache - Mike Wheeler listens to the Aquinas Trio

Ensemble. In the French Tradition - Mike Wheeler listens to Fauré, Lili Boulanger, Abdelmoula and Debussy from Swiss pianist Jean-Sélim Abdelmoula

CD Spotlight. Truly Superlative - Music by twentieth century women composers impresses Geoff Pearce. '... the Trio des Alpes is committed and convincing ...'

CD Spotlight. Full Stretch - Poulenc's Organ Concerto, heard by Robert Anderson. '... marvellous vitality ...'