A selection of 'Hamburg' articles

Classical music news - Dialogue Across Borders - The National Youth Orchestra of Germany gives ten concerts in cities including Vienna, Hamburg, London, Manchester, Birmingham and Edinburgh

Spotlight. Vitality and Freshness - Gerald Fenech is delighted by Bojan Čičić and Steven Devine's recording of Handel's violin sonatas. '... infectious warmth and extraordinary dexterity ...'

Spotlight. Uncanny Precision - Gerald Fenech recommends Frieder Bernius' recording of 'L'Olimpiade' by Hasse. 'Frieder Bernius has a convincing way with Hasse.'

Classical music news - Ben Glassberg - British conductor Ben Glassberg will become Music Director of Volksoper Wien in January 2024

Ensemble. Absolute Brahms - Nineteenth century chamber music in Rome, heard by Giuseppe Pennisi

Ensemble. Twentieth Century Colours - Giuseppe Pennisi is impressed by a concert given by the orchestra of the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia

CD Spotlight. Truly Gripping, Attractive and Alluring - Johann Mattheson's oratorio 'Joseph', highly commended by Roderic Dunnett. '... an outstanding performance in every way, and indeed a perfect introduction to Mattheson's fresh and vital writing ...'

CD Spotlight. A Young Saxon's Occasional Opera - Giuseppe Pennisi listens to 'Enea in Caonia' by Hasse. 'Stefano Montanari conducts ... skilfully, mostly in support of the voices.'

CD Spotlight. Chinese Contemporary Music - Giuseppe Pennisi listens to Xiaoyong Chen. 'The mixture of colours is very interesting.'

CD Spotlight. Contrapuntal Mastery - Gerald Fenech listens to an overture and symphonies by Andreas Romberg. 'Kevin Griffiths and his Dutch players etch out some bright and eminently satisfying performances, and their advocacy for this music brims with enthusiasm.'

CD Spotlight. Teenage Years - Mendelssohn's String Symphonies, recommended by Gerald Fenech. 'Performances are energetic and inspiring throughout, with a touch of crispness consistently at the centre of things.'

Classical music news - July 2021 Obituaries - Our summary of those the classical music world has lost this month

CD Spotlight. Great Character - Lucas Ball listens to Riccardo Minasi's interpretations of late Mozart symphonies. 'Minasi's control is great here.'

CD Spotlight. Youthfulness and Energy - Giuseppe Pennisi listens to chamber music by Paul Hindemith. '... an explosion of happiness and a real whirlwind from the very fast introduction to the vibrant finale ...'

CD Spotlight. The Darling of Hamburg - Gerald Fenech listens to songs by Louise Reichardt. 'Amy Pfrimmer's singing is supremely warm and refreshing, and the innocent beauty of these songs is brought out in bright, luminous textures.'

Sex and Absolute Power - Handel's 'Giulio Cesare in Egitto', reviewed by Giuseppe Pennisi

CD Spotlight. Matchless Artistry - The Wihan Quartet plays Dvorák, recommended by Howard Smith. '... the finest of bravura chamber performances.'

Ensemble. A Top-notch Formation - Operas by Zemlinsky and Puccini, reviewed by Giuseppe Pennisi

Ensemble. High Energy Performance - A 'Salute to Vienna' concert, reviewed by Lawrence Budmen

Marvelously Gifted - Bill Newman listens to pianist Alexander Romanovsky

Ensemble. Epic and Masterful - Beethoven performances at Tanglewood, reviewed by Lawrence Budmen

Profile. The Hungarian Nightingale - A meeting with Gisela Doráti, better known as 'Gizi', by Bill Newman

Ensemble. Pas de posthorn - John Neumeier's choreography of Mahler's Third Symphony, reviewed by Sissy von Kotzebue

Record Box - Basil Ramsey listens to 17th century organ music