Award-winning Italian record label Tactus Records was founded in March 1986 by Bologna businessman Serafino Rossi, more for the passion of the music than for business reasons. The label initially focussed on Italian Renaissance and Baroque music, but has expanded into the following centuries, up to and including contemporary music. Its catalog, distributed internationally, continues to be enriched with many works adding to the mosaic of Italian musical culture.
Further information:
CD Spotlight. A Musical Goldmine - Gerald Fenech enjoys music by Giovanni Battista Vitali. '... gorgeously crafted music full of melodic sweetness and intensely passionate emotions.'
CD Spotlight. Praise and Attention - Romabarocca Ensemble plays Carlo Rainaldi, reviewed by Giuseppe Pennisi. '... they will go far in the rediscovery of Baroque music.'
CD Spotlight. Nearly Unknown - Bologna's Renaissance music, heard by Giuseppe Pennisi. '... an efficient and effective local ensemble ...'