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Sex and Absolute Power - Handel's 'Giulio Cesare in Egitto', reviewed by Giuseppe Pennisi
Ensemble. Strongly Musical - Handel's 'Radamisto' at the London Coliseum, reviewed by Robert Hugill
Ensemble. Excellent Singing - Handel and Rossini from Los Angeles Opera impress Maria Nockin
Making a Real Fuss - Robert Hugill looks forward to English Touring Opera's HandelFest this autumn
Ensemble. Quite a Charmer - 'Alessandro' at the London Handel Festival, reviewed by Robert Hugill
CD Spotlight. Full of Delights - Handel's 'Parnasso in Festa', recommended by Robert Hugill. '... some truly superb Handel singing (and playing) ...'
Ensemble. Beauty of Line - Andreas Scholl in London, heard by Robert Hugill
Ensemble. Simple but Effective - 'Tolomeo' at the London Handel Festival, enjoyed by Robert Hugill