Erno Dohnányi

ErnÅ‘ Dohnányi, the Hungarian composer, was born on 27 July 1877. Besides composition, he studied as a pianist with d'Albert. In 1949 he settled in America, having by then a considerable reputation. Variations on a Nursery Song for piano and orchestra remains his most popular work. He died in New York on 9 February 1960.

A selection of articles about Erno Dohnányi

Ensemble. Music of the Spheres - Mike Wheeler listens to an eclectic programme from pianist Ryan Drucker at the Buxton Festival

CD Spotlight. Music of Wit and Charm - Works by Ernst von Dohnányi and Leó Weiner, heard by Geoff Pearce. '... fine and unfamiliar music, played to perfection by the ORF Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by Roberto Paternostro.'

CD Spotlight. Romantic Concertos - Geoff Pearce listens to Dohnányi's two piano concertos. 'Sofja Gülbadamova is a superb pianist who obviously identifies with this composer and has the crispness, accuracy and flair to bring off these two works.'

CD Spotlight. Thoroughly Enjoyable - Dohnányi's 'The Veil of Pierrette', recommended by Geoff Pearce. 'The rapid changes of mood and atmosphere are well done, and the playing of all concerned is exemplary.'

CD Spotlight. Unhurried and Spacious - Geoff Pearce listens to Ernst von Dohnányi's first symphony. '... a fantastic disc ...'

Ensemble. Too Many Notes? - Mike Wheeler listens to Dohnányi, Mozart and Brahms from the Rogeri Ensemble

CD Spotlight. Worth Acquiring - Bridge Chamber Virtuosi, heard by the late Howard Smith. 'From start to finish, an exhilarating recording.'

CD Spotlight. Musically Conservative - Dohnányi's Symphony No 2 and rarely heard songs, reviewed by Howard Smith. '... beautifully sung by Buffalo baritone Evan Thomas Jones ...'

CD Spotlight. Sensitive Understanding - Music by Kodály and Dohnányi, heard by Robert Anderson. '... the orchestra captures with apparent ease the seductive idiom of this music.'

Ensemble. Bustling Energy - A mainly classical programme from Derby Concert Orchestra, reviewed by Mike Wheeler

CD Spotlight. High Spirits - Music by Dohnányi, heard by Howard Smith. '... the Buffalonians ... make their virtuosity seem almost effortless ...'

Ensemble. Exceptional Gifts - Lawrence Budmen reports from the 2009 Miami International Piano Festival

Ensemble. Meltingly Beautiful - Joshua Bell joins Vladimir Ashkenazy and the New World Symphony for music by Saint-Saëns and Mahler, reviewed by Lawrence Budmen

CD Spotlight. Essential Lyricism - The violin concertos of Ernö von Dohnányi, reviewed by Robert Anderson. '... a very impressive performance.'

Ensemble. An Enjoyable Programme - Chamber music at London's Wigmore Hall, reviewed by Bill Newman

Record box. Technical mastery - Basil Ramsey listens to Dohnányi piano music

Originality and urbanity - Ilona von Dohnányi's 'Ernst von Dohnányi - A Song of Life', reviewed by Robert Anderson